Relevanssi is the plugin Nebula uses to enhance WordPress search results. Additional Documentation »

Relevanssi does not require any additional settings on the for development, but Nebula does have some recommended settings for the Relevanssi Search Options page in the WordPress admin.

This snippet will show the amount of search results.

This snippet will show the score associated with the search result.

Refer to the Relevanssi documentation for additional snippets.
Note: Search term highlighting is built into Nebula. There is no need to enable or configure search highlighting within Relevanssi.

Nebula recommended settings for Relevanssi Search Options

These settings will ensure the best integration between Nebula features and Relevanssi searches.

  • Make sure the Relevanssi plugin is installed and activated.
  • Navigate to theRelevanssi Search Options page in the WordPress admin. (Settings > Relevanssi)
  • Logs
    • Check the box to keep a log of queries
    • Check the box to log the user’s IP with the queries
  • Indexing Options
    • Check the box to index all publicly viewable post types (“attachment” may be project-specific).
    • Towards the bottom, type all into the field for “Custom fields to index
  • Click “Save indexing options, erase index and rebuild the index
  • After the page reloads, click “Continue indexing” until the “State of the Index” numbers no longer increase.


Once Relevanssi is configured, it is strongly recommended to create a custom field for Internal Search Keywords that is available on every post, page, and custom post type so that as search queries are monitored, keywords and phrases can be added to everything so they appear in search results (including autocomplete).

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