@include add-color-class($name, $bg, $text, $active_bg, $active_text)
(Required) (String) The name that appears on the class
Default: None
(Required) (Color) The background color of the element
Default: None
(Optional) (Color) The color of the foreground (usually text)
Default: Readable color based on the background
(Optional) (Color) The background color of the element when active
Default: $bg
(Optional) (Color) The color of the foreground when active (usually text)
Default: Readable color based on the active background
@include add-color-class("accent", cyan);
@include add-color-class("accent", purple, white);
Override a pre-defined Nebula class name (for example: to force a text color) by making the selector more specific.
html { @include add-color-class("brand", $primary_color, #fff); //Force white text on brand color }
This can also be used to override Bootstrap color classes.
@include add-color-class('primary', 'green');
Additional Notes
This mixin creates 4 classes to use with or without Bootstrap elements (where “name” below is replaced with the first parameter):
- Bootstrap elements:
- Additional helper classes:
Source File
Located in /assets/scss/partials/_mixins.scss on line 45.
@mixin add-color-class($name, $bg, $fg: null, $active_bg: null, $active_fg: null){ @if ( $fg == null ){ $fg: readable-color($bg); } @if ( $active_bg == null ){ $active_bg: $bg; } @if ( $active_fg == null ){ $active_fg: readable-color($active_bg); } .btn.btn-#{$name}, .btn.btn-#{$name}:visited {background-color: $bg; border-color: $bg; color: $fg; &:hover, &:focus {background: darken($bg, 10%); border-color: darken($bg, 10%); color: $fg;} &:focus {box-shadow: 0 0 0 0.2rem rgb($bg, 25%);} &:active, &.active {background: $active_bg; border-color: $active_bg; color: $active_fg;} } .btn.btn-outline-#{$name}, .btn.btn-outline-#{$name}:visited {color: $bg; background-color: transparent; background-image: none; border-color: $bg; &:hover, &:focus {color: #fff; background-color: $bg; border-color: $bg;} &:active, &.active {background-color: $active_bg; border-color: $active_bg;} } .bg-#{$name} {background-color: $bg !important;} .border-#{$name} {border-color: $bg !important;} .#{$name}-color {color: $bg !important;} }
To override or disable this, redefine the mixin/function later on, or use different class names to prevent this from targeting your element.
@mixin add-color-class($name, $bg, $fg, $active_bg, $active_fg){ //Write your own code here, leave it blank, or return false. }