arrow_helper($arrowSize, $arrowColor, $margin, $side, $align)
(Required) (String) The size of the arrow
Default: None
(Required) (String) The color of the arrow
Default: None
(Required) (String) The margin of the alignment
Default: None
(Required) (String) The side of the element
Default: None
(Required) (String) The alignment of the arrow
Default: None
Additional Notes
This mixin is a supportive function, so it does not need to be called specifically. Use arrow() itself.
Source File
Located in /assets/scss/partials/_mixins.scss on line 296.
@mixin arrow_helper($arrowSize, $arrowColor, $margin, $side, $align) { @if $side == "top" { border-bottom-color: $arrowColor; top: -2 * $arrowSize; } @if $side == "bottom" { border-top-color: $arrowColor; bottom: -2 * $arrowSize; } @if $side == "left" { border-right-color: $arrowColor; left: -2 * $arrowSize; } @if $side == "right" { border-left-color: $arrowColor; right: -2 * $arrowSize; } @if $side == "right" or $side == "left" { @if $align == "center" { top: 50%; margin-top: -$arrowSize; } @else if $align == "top" { top: $margin; } @else if $align == "bottom" { bottom: $margin; } } @if $side == "bottom" or $side == "top" { @if $align == "center" { right: 50%; margin-right: -$arrowSize; } @else if $align == "left" { left: $margin; } @else if $align == "right" { right: $margin; } } }
To override or disable this, redefine the mixin/function later on, or use different class names to prevent this from targeting your element.
@mixin arrow_helper($arrowSize, $arrowColor, $margin, $side, $align){ //Write your own code here, leave it blank, or return false. }