This is a variable or event handle.
Available Key Names
version number date child site name charset is_child directory root template path uri stylesheet path uri modules uploads home_url sw_url domain hostname protocol language ajax url nonce options sw gaid nebula_google_browser_api_key facebook_url facebook_app_id twitter_username twitter_url linkedin_url youtube_url instagram_url pinterest_url attribution_tracking adblock_detect manage_options debug js_error_log bypass_cache sidebar_expanders resources styles nebula_bootstrap nebula_font_awesome nebula_main nebula_datatables nebula_chosen nebula_jquery_ui nebula_pre wp_pagenavi nebula_docs nebula_child scripts nebula_vimeo_block nebula_youtube_block nebula_bootstrap nebula_jquery_ui nebula_vimeo nebula_datatables nebula_chosen nebula_usage nebula_nebula nebula_docs nebula_main lazy styles nebula-font_awesome wp-pagenavi scripts timings ecommerce post id permalink title excerpt author year categories tags page isFrontPage ancestors screen isFrontend pagenow dom session ip id utms flags adblock geolocation referrer landing_page user id name first last full email ip dnt cid client bot remote_addr user_agent device full formfactor brand model type os full name version browser full name version engine type address facebook flags fbconnect staff known
Additional Notes
Hierarchy of the Nebula array/object:
- “site”: Data about the website in general
- Includes “name”, “directory”, “home_url”, “domain”, “protocol”, “language”, “ajax”, “upload_dir”, “ecommerce”, “options”, “resources”
- “post”: Helps search results use the correct ID
- “dom”: DOM objects for caching selectors (only available in JavaScript)
- “window”, “document”, “html”, “body”
- “session”: Session information of the user
- “id”, “flags”
- “user”: User information for future visits
- “cid”
This is localized into the nebula
object in JavaScript.
Source File
Located in /libs/Scripts.php.