This function runs automatically, so it is not called manually. Is this incorrect?
Additional Notes
This dashboard metabox must be enabled in Nebula Options, and either a developer IP or email domain must be entered!
Source File
Located in /libs/Admin/Dashboard.php on line 580.
4 Hooks
Find these filters and actions in the source code below to hook into them. Use do_action() and add_filter() in your functions file or plugin.
Need a new filter hook? Request one here.
Need a new action hook? Request one here.
Note: This function contains 3 to-do comments.
public function dashboard_developer_info(){ $this->timer('Nebula Developer Dashboard Metabox'); do_action('nebula_developer_info'); echo '<ul class="nebula-fa-ul serverdetections">'; echo '<li class="cookie_notification text_ad ads advertisement ads_content ads_div ads_google adsbygoogle adscontainer adsense-box nebula-adb-tester"></li>'; //Alert developers if their ad-blocker is still active //Environment Type if ( function_exists('wp_get_environment_type') ){ //New as of WP 5.5 (August 2020). Remove this conditional eventually. $environment_type = ucwords(wp_get_environment_type()); $environment_type_icon = 'fa-industry'; //Assume "Production" by default if ( $environment_type === 'Staging' ){ $environment_type_icon = 'fa-pencil-ruler'; } elseif ( $environment_type === 'Development' ){ $environment_type_icon = 'fa-hard-hat'; } elseif ( $environment_type === 'Test' ){ $environment_type_icon = 'fa-flask'; } echo '<li><i class="fa-solid fa-fw ' . $environment_type_icon . '"></i> Environment Type: <strong>' . $environment_type . '</strong></li>'; } //Domain //@todo "Nebula" 0: Use null coalescing operator here if possible $domain = $this->url_components('domain'); if ( empty($domain) ){ $domain = '<small>(None)</small>'; } echo '<li><i class="fa-solid fa-fw fa-info-circle"></i> <a href="' . $this->super->server['SERVER_NAME'] . '" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" title="WHOIS Lookup">Domain</a>: <strong>' . $domain . '</strong></li>'; //Host function top_domain_name($url){ $alldomains = explode('.', $url); if ( count($alldomains) > 1 ){ return $alldomains[count($alldomains)-2] . "." . $alldomains[count($alldomains)-1]; } return $url; } if ( function_exists('gethostname') ){ set_error_handler(function(){ /* ignore errors */ }); $dnsrecord = ( dns_get_record(top_domain_name(gethostname()), DNS_NS) )? dns_get_record(top_domain_name(gethostname()), DNS_NS) : ''; restore_error_handler(); echo '<li><i class="fa-regular fa-fw fa-hdd"></i> Host: <strong>' . top_domain_name(gethostname()) . '</strong>'; if ( !empty($dnsrecord[0]['target']) ){ echo ' <small>(' . top_domain_name($dnsrecord[0]['target']) . ')</small>'; } echo '</li>'; } //Server IP address (and connection security) $secureServer = ''; if ( (!empty($this->super->server['HTTPS']) && $this->super->server['HTTPS'] !== 'off') || $this->super->server['SERVER_PORT'] === 443 ){ $secureServer = '<small class="secured-connection"><i class="fa-solid fa-fw fa-lock"></i>Secured Connection</small>'; } $public_local_ip = ( preg_match('/^(127\.|192\.168|172\.|10\.)/', $this->super->server['SERVER_ADDR']) )? 'Local' : 'Public'; //Check if the server IP is likely local (private) or public (this is not perfectly exact) echo '<li><i class="fa-solid fa-fw fa-upload"></i> ' . $public_local_ip . ' Server IP: <strong><a href="' . $this->super->server['SERVER_ADDR'] . '" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">' . apply_filters('nebula_dashboard_server_ip', $this->super->server['SERVER_ADDR']) . '</a></strong> ' . $secureServer . '</li>'; //Server Time Zone if ( !empty(get_option('timezone_string')) && date_default_timezone_get() === get_option('timezone_string') && wp_timezone_string() === get_option('timezone_string') ){ echo '<li><i class="fa-solid fa-fw fa-globe-americas"></i> Timezone: <strong>' . date_default_timezone_get() . '</strong></li>'; } else { echo '<li><i class="fa-solid fa-fw fa-globe-americas"></i> Server Timezone: <strong>' . date_default_timezone_get() . '</strong></li>'; echo '<li><i class="fa-solid fa-fw fa-globe-americas"></i> WordPress Timezone Option: <strong>' . get_option('timezone_string') . '</strong></li>'; echo '<li><i class="fa-solid fa-fw fa-globe-americas"></i> WordPress Timezone String: <strong>' . wp_timezone_string() . '</strong></li>'; } //Server operating system if ( strpos(strtolower(PHP_OS), 'linux') !== false ){ //@todo "Nebula" 0: Update strpos() to str_contains() in PHP8 $php_os_icon = 'fa-brands fa-linux'; } elseif ( strpos(strtolower(PHP_OS), 'windows') !== false ){ //@todo "Nebula" 0: Update strpos() to str_contains() in PHP8 $php_os_icon = 'fa-brands fa-windows'; } else { $php_os_icon = 'fa-solid fa-upload'; } echo '<li><i class="fa-fw ' . $php_os_icon . '"></i> Server OS: <strong>' . PHP_OS . '</strong></li>'; //Server software $server_software = $this->super->server['SERVER_SOFTWARE']; if ( strlen($server_software) > 10 ){ $server_software = strtok($this->super->server['SERVER_SOFTWARE'], ' '); //Shorten to until the first space } echo '<li><i class="fa-solid fa-fw fa-server"></i> Server Software: <strong title="' . $this->super->server['SERVER_SOFTWARE'] . '">' . $server_software . '</strong></li>'; echo '<li><i class="fa-solid fa-fw fa-ethernet"></i> Server Protocol: <strong>' . $this->super->server['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] . '</strong></li>'; //MySQL version global $wpdb; $mysql_version = mysqli_get_client_version(); echo '<li><i class="fa-solid fa-fw fa-database"></i> MySQL Version: <strong title="Raw: ' . $mysql_version . '">' . floor($mysql_version/10000) . '.' . floor(($mysql_version%10000)/100) . '.' . ($mysql_version%10000)%100 . '</strong> <small>(' . get_class($wpdb->dbh) . ')</small></li>'; //PHP 7.4 use numeric separators here //PHP version $php_version_class = ''; $php_version_info = ''; $php_version_cursor = 'normal'; $php_version_lifecycle = $this->php_version_support(); if ( !empty($php_version_lifecycle) ){ if ( $php_version_lifecycle['lifecycle'] === 'security' ){ $php_version_class = 'text-caution'; //Warning (orange) $php_version_info = 'This version is nearing end of life. Security updates end on ' . date('F j, Y', $php_version_lifecycle['end']) . '.'; $php_version_cursor = 'help'; } elseif ( $php_version_lifecycle['lifecycle'] === 'end' ){ $php_version_class = 'text-danger'; //Danger (red) $php_version_info = 'This version no longer receives security updates! End of life occurred on ' . date('F j, Y', $php_version_lifecycle['end']) . '.'; $php_version_cursor = 'help'; } } echo '<li><i class="fa-solid fa-fw fa-wrench"></i> PHP Version: <a class="' . $php_version_class . '" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" style="cursor: ' . $php_version_cursor . ';" title="' . $php_version_info . '"><strong>' . PHP_VERSION . '</strong></a> <small>(SAPI: <strong>' . php_sapi_name() . '</strong>)</small></li>'; //PHP memory limit echo '<li><i class="fa-solid fa-fw fa-memory"></i> PHP Memory Limit: <strong>' . ini_get('memory_limit') . '</strong></li>'; //Persistent Object Caching (Memcached or Redis) $memory_cache_enabled = '<strong>Disabled</strong>'; if ( extension_loaded('memcached') ){ $memory_cache_enabled = '<strong>Memcached</strong>'; } elseif ( extension_loaded('redis') ){ $memory_cache_enabled = '<strong>Redis</strong>'; } echo '<li><i class="fa-solid fa-fw fa-box"></i> Memory Cache: ' . $memory_cache_enabled . '</li>'; //Bytecode Caching aka Opcode Cache (Zend Opcache) $opcode_cache_enabled = ( extension_loaded('Zend OPcache') )? '<strong>Zend OPcache</strong>' : '<strong class="highlight-bad">Disabled</strong>'; echo '<li><i class="fa-solid fa-fw fa-box"></i> Opcode Cache: ' . $opcode_cache_enabled . '</li>'; //Count total WordPress updates available require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/update.php'; $update_data = wp_get_update_data(); $updates_count = $update_data['counts']['total']; if ( $updates_count > 0 ){ $updates_class = ''; if ( $updates_count > 10 ){ //If there are many updates available $updates_class = 'text-danger"'; } $updates_count = '<a class="' . $updates_class . '" href="update-core.php">' . $updates_count . ' »</a>'; echo '<li><i class="fa-regular fa-fw fa-circle-up"></i> Updates Available: <strong>' . $updates_count . '</strong></li>'; } //Check SMTP mail status $smtp_status = $this->check_smtp_status(); $smtp_status_output = ''; //Empty unless there is a problem if ( strpos(strtolower($smtp_status), 'error') != false ){ $smtp_status_output = '<a href="edit.php?post_type=nebula_cf7_submits"><strong class="text-danger"><i class="fa-solid fa-fw fa-exclamation-triangle"></i> ' . $smtp_status . '</strong></a>'; } elseif ( strtolower($smtp_status) == 'unknown' ){ $smtp_status_output = '<a href="edit.php?post_type=nebula_cf7_submits"><em class="text-caution">Unable to Check</em></a>'; } if ( !empty($smtp_status_output) ){ echo '<li><i class="fa-solid fa-fw fa-envelope"></i> SMTP Status: ' . $smtp_status_output . '</li>'; } //Count 404s if the Redirection plugin is being used if ( is_plugin_active('redirection/redirection.php') ){ $count_of_404s = $this->transient('redirection_404_count', function(){ global $wpdb; //Count the rows in PHP (instead of MySQL) to avoid processing the entire DB table $results = $wpdb->get_col($wpdb->prepare( 'SELECT http_code FROM ' . $wpdb->prefix . 'redirection_404 WHERE http_code = 404 AND created >= %s LIMIT 1000', date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime('-24 hours')) )); return count($results); }, HOUR_IN_SECONDS); if ( !empty($count_of_404s) ){ //Only show when they exist (this also prevents showing null if something is wrong with the query) if ( $count_of_404s >= 999 ){ //If we reached the limit above, assume there are more that weren't counted $count_of_404s = '<span class="text-danger"><i class="fa-solid fa-fw fa-exclamation-triangle"></i> 1000+</span>'; } elseif ( $count_of_404s >= 500 ){ $count_of_404s = '<span class="text-caution">' . $count_of_404s . '</span>'; } echo '<li><i class="fa-regular fa-fw fa-file-excel"></i> 404s: <strong><a href="tools.php?page=redirection.php&sub=404s&groupby=url">' . $count_of_404s . '</a></strong> <small>(Last 24 hours)</small></li>'; } } //Theme directory size(s) if ( is_child_theme() ){ $nebula_parent_size = nebula()->transient('nebula_directory_size_parent_theme', function(){ return $this->foldersize(get_template_directory()); }, DAY_IN_SECONDS); $nebula_child_size = nebula()->transient('nebula_directory_size_child_theme', function(){ return $this->foldersize(get_stylesheet_directory()); }, DAY_IN_SECONDS); echo '<li><i class="fa-solid fa-code"></i> Parent theme directory size: <strong>' . $this->format_bytes($nebula_parent_size, 1) . '</strong> </li>'; echo '<li><i class="fa-solid fa-code"></i> Child theme directory size: <strong>' . $this->format_bytes($nebula_child_size, 1) . '</strong> </li>'; } else { $nebula_size = nebula()->transient('nebula_directory_size_theme', function(){ return $this->foldersize(get_stylesheet_directory()); }, DAY_IN_SECONDS); echo '<li><i class="fa-solid fa-code"></i> Theme directory size: <strong>' . $this->format_bytes($nebula_size, 1) . '</strong> </li>'; } //Plugins directory size (and count) $plugins_size = nebula()->transient('nebula_directory_size_plugins', function(){ $plugins_dir = WP_CONTENT_DIR . '/plugins'; return $this->foldersize($plugins_dir); }, HOUR_IN_SECONDS*36); $all_plugins = nebula()->transient('nebula_count_plugins', function(){ return get_plugins(); }, WEEK_IN_SECONDS); $active_plugins = get_option('active_plugins', array()); echo '<li><i class="fa-solid fa-plug"></i> Plugins directory size: <strong>' . $this->format_bytes($plugins_size, 1) . '</strong> <small>(' . count($active_plugins) . ' active of ' . count($all_plugins) . ' installed)</small></li>'; do_action('nebula_dev_dashboard_directories'); //Uploads directory size (and max upload size) $uploads_size = nebula()->transient('nebula_directory_size_uploads', function(){ $upload_dir = wp_upload_dir(); return $this->foldersize($upload_dir['basedir']); }, HOUR_IN_SECONDS*36); if ( function_exists('wp_max_upload_size') ){ $upload_max = '<small>(Max upload: <strong>' . $this->format_bytes(((int) wp_max_upload_size())) . '</strong>)</small>'; } elseif ( ini_get('upload_max_filesize') ){ $upload_max = '<small>(Max upload: <strong>' . ini_get('upload_max_filesize') . '</strong>)</small>'; } else { $upload_max = ''; } echo '<li><i class="fa-solid fa-fw fa-images"></i> Uploads directory size: <strong>' . $this->format_bytes($uploads_size, 1) . '</strong> ' . $upload_max . '</li>'; //PHP Disk Space if ( function_exists('disk_total_space') && function_exists('disk_free_space') ){ $disk_total_space = disk_total_space(ABSPATH); $disk_free_space = disk_free_space(ABSPATH); if ( !empty($disk_total_space) ){ //Ignore when this results in 0 bytes total $disk_space_percent_used = round((($disk_total_space-$disk_free_space)/$disk_total_space)*100); $disk_usage_class = ''; if ( $disk_free_space/GB_IN_BYTES < 10 || $disk_space_percent_used > 85 ){ $disk_usage_class = 'text-caution'; //Warning if ( $disk_free_space/GB_IN_BYTES < 5 || $disk_space_percent_used > 95 ){ $disk_usage_class = 'text-danger'; //Danger } } echo '<li><i class="fa-solid fa-fw fa-hdd"></i> Disk Space Available: <strong class="' . $disk_usage_class . '">' . $this->format_bytes($disk_free_space, 1) . '</strong> <small class="' . $disk_usage_class . '">(Using ' . $disk_space_percent_used . '% of <strong>' . $this->format_bytes($disk_total_space) . '</strong> total)</small></li>'; } } //Link to Query Monitor Environment Panel //if ( is_plugin_active('query-monitor/query-monitor.php') ){ //echo '<li><i class="fa-solid fa-fw fa-table"></i> <a href="#qm-environment">Additional Server Information <small>(Query Monitor)</small></a></li>'; //Not currently possible: //} //Log Files foreach ( $this->get_log_files('all', true) as $types ){ //Always get fresh data here foreach ( $types as $log_file ){ if ( !empty($log_file['bytes']) && $log_file['bytes'] > 999 ){ //Only show the file if it has a size and is at least 1kb echo '<li><i class="fa-regular fa-fw fa-file-alt"></i> <a href="' . $log_file['shortpath'] . '" target="_blank"><code title="' . $log_file['shortpath'] . '" style="cursor: help;">' . $log_file['name'] . '</code></a> File: <strong>' . $this->format_bytes($log_file['bytes']) . '</strong></li>'; } } } //Fatal error count $fatal_error_count = $this->transient('fatal_error_count', function(){ return $this->count_fatal_errors(); }, HOUR_IN_SECONDS); if ( !empty($fatal_error_count) ){ $fatal_error_count_description = ''; if ( intval($fatal_error_count) ){ //If the result is a number (not a string which represents a problem) $fatal_error_count_description = ' <small>(last 7 days)</small>'; } echo '<li class="text-danger"><i class="fa-solid fa-fw fa-bug"></i> Fatal Errors: <strong><a class="text-danger" href="' . ini_get('error_log') . '" target="_blank">' . $fatal_error_count . '</a></strong>' . $fatal_error_count_description . '</li>'; //The <a> tag is just to show the location of the error log file } //Service Worker if ( $this->get_option('service_worker') ){ if ( !is_ssl() ){ echo '<li><i class="fa-solid fa-fw fa-microchip" class="text-danger"></i> <strong>Not</strong> using service worker. No SSL.</li>'; } elseif ( !file_exists($this->sw_location(false)) ){ echo '<li><i class="fa-solid fa-fw fa-microchip" class="text-danger"></i> <strong>Not</strong> using service worker. Service worker file does not exist.</li>'; } else { echo '<li><i class="fa-solid fa-fw fa-microchip"></i> Using service worker</li>'; } } //Initial installation date function initial_install_date(){ $nebula_initialized = nebula()->get_option('initialized'); //Keep this as nebula() because it is a nested function, so $this is scoped differently here. if ( !empty($nebula_initialized) && $nebula_initialized < getlastmod() ){ $install_date = '<span title="' . date('F j, Y', $nebula_initialized) . ' @ ' . date('g:ia', $nebula_initialized) . '" style="cursor: help;"><strong>' . human_time_diff($nebula_initialized) . ' ago</strong></span>'; } else { //Use the last modified time of the admin page itself $install_date = '<span title="' . date("F j, Y", getlastmod()) . ' @ ' . date("g:ia", getlastmod()) . '" style="cursor: help;"><strong>' . human_time_diff(getlastmod()) . ' ago</strong></span>'; } return $install_date; } echo '<li><i class="fa-regular fa-fw fa-calendar"></i> Installed: ' . initial_install_date() . '</li>'; $latest_file = $this->last_modified(); echo '<li><i class="fa-regular fa-fw fa-calendar"></i> <span title="' . $latest_file['path'] . '" style="cursor: help;">Modified:</span> <span title="' . date("F j, Y", $latest_file['date']) . ' @ ' . date("g:ia", $latest_file['date']) . '" style="cursor: help;"><strong>' . human_time_diff($latest_file['date']) . ' ago</strong></span></li>'; //SCSS last processed date if ( $this->get_data('scss_last_processed') ){ $sass_option = ( nebula()->get_option('scss') )? '' : ' <small><em><a href="themes.php?page=nebula_options&tab=functions&option=scss">Sass is currently <strong>disabled</strong> »</a></em></small>'; echo '<li><i class="fa-brands fa-fw fa-sass"></i> Sass Processed: <span title="' . date("F j, Y", $this->get_data('scss_last_processed')) . ' @ ' . date("g:i:sa", $this->get_data('scss_last_processed')) . '" style="cursor: help;"><strong>' . human_time_diff($this->get_data('scss_last_processed')) . ' ago</strong></span> ' . $sass_option . '</li>'; } echo '<li><i class="fa-brands fa-fw fa-wordpress"></i> <a href="site-health.php?tab=debug">WP Site Info »</a></li>'; //Link to WP Health Check Info page echo '</ul>'; //Directory search $directory_search_options = array('uploads' => '<option value="uploads">Uploads</option>'); if ( is_child_theme() ){ $directory_search_options['child'] = '<option value="child" selected="selected">Child Theme</option>'; $directory_search_options['parent'] = '<option value="parent">Parent Theme</option>'; } else { $directory_search_options['theme'] = '<option value="theme" selected="selected">Theme</option>'; } //Must-Use Plugins (if any exist) if ( is_dir(WPMU_PLUGIN_DIR) && is_array(scandir(WPMU_PLUGIN_DIR)) ){ $directory_search_options['mu_plugins'] = '<option value="mu_plugins">Must-Use Plugins</option>'; } //Add active plugins to search list $directory_search_options['all_plugins'] = '<option value="all_plugins">All Plugins</option>'; $all_plugins = get_plugins(); foreach ( $all_plugins as $plugin => $plugin_data ){ $plugin_name = $plugin_data['Name']; $safe_plugin_name = str_replace(array(' ', '-', '/'), '_', strtolower($plugin_name)); $inactive_indicator = ( is_plugin_active($plugin) )? '' : ' (Inactive)'; $directory_search_options[$safe_plugin_name] = '<option value="' . $safe_plugin_name . '">' . $plugin_name . $inactive_indicator . '</option>'; } $all_directory_search_options = apply_filters('nebula_directory_search_options', $directory_search_options); //Allow other functions to hook in to add directories to search echo '<form id="theme" class="searchfiles"><i id="searchprogress" class="fa-solid fa-fw fa-magnifying-glass"></i> <input class="findterm" type="text" placeholder="Search files" autocorrect="off" autocapitalize="off" spellcheck="false" /><select class="searchdirectory">'; foreach ( $all_directory_search_options as $name => $option_html ){ echo $option_html; } echo '</select><input class="searchterm button button-primary button-disabled" type="submit" value="Search" title="Still loading... Please wait." /></form>'; echo '<div class="search_results"></div>'; $this->timer('Nebula Developer Dashboard Metabox', 'end'); }
This function can not be short-circuited with an override filter. Request one?