This function runs automatically, so it is not called manually. Is this incorrect?
Source File
Located in /assets/js/modules/location.js on line 265.
No Hooks
This function does not have any filters or actions available. Request one?
function geoErrorCallback(error){ let geolocationErrorMessage = ''; let geoErrorNote = ''; switch ( error.code ){ case error.PERMISSION_DENIED: geolocationErrorMessage = 'Access to your location is turned off. Change your settings to report location data.'; geoErrorNote = 'Denied'; break; case error.POSITION_UNAVAILABLE: geolocationErrorMessage = 'Data from location services is currently unavailable.'; geoErrorNote = 'Unavailable'; break; case error.TIMEOUT: geolocationErrorMessage = 'Location could not be determined within a specified timeout period.'; geoErrorNote = 'Timeout'; break; default: geolocationErrorMessage = 'An unknown error has occurred.'; geoErrorNote = 'Error'; break; } nebula.session.geolocation = { error: { code: error.code, description: geolocationErrorMessage } }; nebula.dom.document.trigger('geolocationError'); nebula.dom.body.addClass('geo-error'); gtag('event', 'exception', { message: '(JS) Geolocation error: ' + geolocationErrorMessage, fatal: false }); nebula.crm('event', 'Geolocation Error'); }
To override or disable this JavaScript function, simply redeclare it with the exact same function name. Remember: Some functionality is conditionally loaded via dynamic imports, so if your function is not overriding properly, try listening for a DOM event (described below).
function geoErrorCallback(){ //Write your own code here, leave it blank, or return false. }