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Check the current (or a specifc) PHP version against the PHP support timeline.

PHP June 18, 2017




(Optional) (String) The PHP version to check against

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$php_version_lifecycle = nebula()->php_version_support();
if ( $php_version_lifecycle['lifecycle'] === 'end' ){
    //Do something if this version of php is no longer maintained (does not receive security updates)

Additional Notes

This function returns an array of lifecycle, security, and end.

Lifecycle is what stage that version is in: active, security, or end.

Security is the date when security updates stop.

End is the date when that version is no longer maintained.

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    Source File

    Located in /libs/Admin/Admin.php on line 1459.

    1 Hook

    Find these filters and actions in the source code below to hook into them. Use do_action() and add_filter() in your functions file or plugin.

    Need a new filter hook? Request one here.

    This function has no action hooks available. Request one?

            public function php_version_support($php_version=PHP_VERSION){
                $override = apply_filters('pre_nebula_php_version_support', null, $php_version);
                if ( isset($override) ){return;}
                $php_timeline = nebula()->transient('nebula_php_timeline', function(){
                    $php_timeline_json_file = get_template_directory() . '/inc/data/php_timeline.json'; //This local JSON file will either be updated or used directly later
                    global $wp_filesystem;
                    $response = $this->remote_get(''); //Get the latest JSON file from Nebula GitHub
                    if ( !is_wp_error($response) && isset($response['body']) ){
                        $php_timeline = $response['body'];
                        if ( !empty($php_timeline) ){
                            $wp_filesystem->put_contents($php_timeline_json_file, $php_timeline); //Update the local JSON file with the new remote file
                            return $php_timeline;
                    return $wp_filesystem->get_contents($php_timeline_json_file); //Otherwise use the existing local JSON file
                }, MONTH_IN_SECONDS);
                $php_timeline = json_decode($php_timeline);
                if ( !empty($php_timeline) ){
                    preg_match('/^(?<family>\d\.\d)\.?/i', PHP_VERSION, $current_php_version); //Grab the major/minor version of this PHP
                    if ( isset($php_timeline[0]->{$current_php_version['family']}) ){ //If this version of PHP is in the local JSON file
                        $php_version_info = $php_timeline[0]->{$current_php_version['family']}; //Find this major/minor version "family" of PHP in the JSON
                        if ( !empty($php_version_info) ){ //If a match for this PHP version "family" was found in the JSON data
                            $output = array();
                            if ( !empty($php_version_info->security) && time() < strtotime($php_version_info->security) ){
                                $output['lifecycle'] = 'active';
                            } elseif ( !empty($php_version_info->security) && (time() >= strtotime($php_version_info->security) && time() < strtotime($php_version_info->end)) ){
                                $output['lifecycle'] = 'security';
                            } elseif ( time() >= strtotime($php_version_info->end) ){
                                $output['lifecycle'] = 'end';
                            } else {
                                $output['lifecycle'] = 'unknown'; //An error of some kind has occurred.
                            $output['security'] = strtotime($php_version_info->security);
                            $output['end'] = strtotime($php_version_info->end);
                            return $output;
                return false;


    To override this PHP function, use this hook in your child theme or plugin ("my_custom" can be changed):

    add_filter('pre_nebula_php_version_support', 'my_custom_php_version_support', 10, 2); //The last integer must be 1 more than the actual parameters
    function my_custom_php_version_support($null, $php_version){ //$null is required, but can be ignored
        //Write your own code here
        return true; //Return true to prevent the original function from running afterwords

    You can completely disable this PHP function with a single line actions:

     add_filter('pre_nebula_php_version_support', '__return_false');