(Optional) (Array) An array of options
Default: None
Parameter Notes
Option parameters include:
icon (mixed)
True for default icons, False to disable icons, or a string of class names to be used on an <i>
Default: true
linked (boolean)
True links to the post type archive, false does not link
Default: false
Using post_meta
Using individual Nebula post meta functions with options:
Other Nebula meta functions:
Source File
Located in /libs/Functions.php on line 668.
1 Hook
Find these filters and actions in the source code below to hook into them. Use do_action() and add_filter() in your functions file or plugin.
"nebula_post_type_defaults"Need a new filter hook? Request one here.
This function has no action hooks available. Request one?Note: This function contains 1 to-do comment.
public function post_type($options=array()){ $defaults = apply_filters('nebula_post_type_defaults', array( 'icon' => true, //True for generic defaults, false to disable icon, or string of class name(s) for icon. 'linked' => false //True links output to the post type archive page )); $data = array_merge($defaults, $options); $post_icon_img = false; if ( get_theme_mod('search_result_post_types', true) ){ global $wp_post_types; $post_type = get_post_type(); $post_type_labels = get_post_type_object( $post_type )->labels; if ( $data['icon'] ){ $post_icon = $wp_post_types[$post_type]->menu_icon; $post_icon_img = '<i class="fa-solid fa-thumbtack"></i>'; if ( !empty($post_icon) ){ $post_icon_img = '<img src="' . $post_icon . '" style="width: 16px; height: 16px;" loading="lazy" />'; if ( strpos('dashicons-', $post_icon) >= 0 ){ //@todo "Nebula" 0: Update strpos() to str_contains() in PHP8 $post_icon_img = '<i class="dashicons-before ' . $post_icon . '"></i>'; } } if ( gettype($data['icon']) === 'string' && $data['icon'] !== '' ){ $post_icon_img = '<i class="' . esc_html($data['icon']) . '"></i>'; }elseif ( $post_type === 'post' ){ $post_icon_img = '<i class="fa-solid fa-fw fa-thumbtack"></i>'; } elseif ( $post_type === 'page' ){ $post_icon_img = '<i class="fa-solid fa-fw fa-file-alt"></i>'; } } if ( $data['linked'] ){ return '<span class="meta-item post-type"><a href="' . esc_url(get_post_type_archive_link($post_type)) . '" title="See all ' . $post_type_labels->name . '">' . $post_icon_img . esc_html($post_type_labels->singular_name) . '</a></span>'; } return '<span class="meta-item post-type">' . $post_icon_img . esc_html($post_type_labels->singular_name) . '</span>'; } }
This function can not be short-circuited with an override filter. Request one?