(Optional) (String) The format of requested data.
Default: None
Parameter Notes
Possible formats include:
- “description”: An array of “early” or “late” and “morning”, “afternoon”, “evening”, and “night”.
- “standard”: An array of the three hour range in 12-hour time.
- “military”: An array of the three hour range in 24-hour time.
- “ampm”: A string of “am” or “pm”.
Additional Notes
This is used for more general time-of-day functions. The breakdown is as follows:
- Early Morning: 6am, 7am, 8am
- Late Morning: 9am, 10am, 11am
- Early Afternoon: 12pm, 1pm, 2pm
- Late Afternoon: 3pm, 4pm, 5pm
- Early Evening: 6pm, 7pm, 8pm
- Late Evening: 9pm, 10pm, 11pm
- Early Night: 12am, 1am, 2am
- Late Night: 3am, 4am, 5am
Note: Thinking of changing the name of this function to something like “nebula_general_time()” or “nebula_time_of_day()”.
Similarly, here is a graphic of body classes that get added for various times of day. This also includes the relative times used in this function”
Source File
Located in /libs/Functions.php on line 2207.
1 Hook
Find these filters and actions in the source code below to hook into them. Use do_action() and add_filter() in your functions file or plugin.
"pre_nebula_relative_time"Need a new filter hook? Request one here.
This function has no action hooks available. Request one?public function relative_time($format=null){ $override = apply_filters('pre_nebula_relative_time', null, $format); if ( isset($override) ){return $override;} if ( $this->contains(date('H'), array('00', '01', '02')) ){ $relative_time = array( 'description' => array('early', 'night'), 'standard' => array(0, 1, 2), 'military' => array(0, 1, 2), 'ampm' => 'am' ); } elseif ( $this->contains(date('H'), array('03', '04', '05')) ){ $relative_time = array( 'description' => array('late', 'night'), 'standard' => array(3, 4, 5), 'military' => array(3, 4, 5), 'ampm' => 'am' ); } elseif ( $this->contains(date('H'), array('06', '07', '08')) ){ $relative_time = array( 'description' => array('early', 'morning'), 'standard' => array(6, 7, 8), 'military' => array(6, 7, 8), 'ampm' => 'am' ); } elseif ( $this->contains(date('H'), array('09', '10', '11')) ){ $relative_time = array( 'description' => array('late', 'morning'), 'standard' => array(9, 10, 11), 'military' => array(9, 10, 11), 'ampm' => 'am' ); } elseif ( $this->contains(date('H'), array('12', '13', '14')) ){ $relative_time = array( 'description' => array('early', 'afternoon'), 'standard' => array(12, 1, 2), 'military' => array(12, 13, 14), 'ampm' => 'pm' ); } elseif ( $this->contains(date('H'), array('15', '16', '17')) ){ $relative_time = array( 'description' => array('late', 'afternoon'), 'standard' => array(3, 4, 5), 'military' => array(15, 16, 17), 'ampm' => 'pm' ); } elseif ( $this->contains(date('H'), array('18', '19', '20')) ){ $relative_time = array( 'description' => array('early', 'evening'), 'standard' => array(6, 7, 8), 'military' => array(18, 19, 20), 'ampm' => 'pm' ); } elseif ( $this->contains(date('H'), array('21', '22', '23')) ){ $relative_time = array( 'description' => array('late', 'evening'), 'standard' => array(9, 10, 11), 'military' => array(21, 22, 23), 'ampm' => 'pm' ); } if ( !empty($format) ){ return $relative_time[$format]; } else { return $relative_time; } }
To override this PHP function, use this hook in your child theme or plugin ("my_custom" can be changed):
add_filter('pre_nebula_relative_time', 'my_custom_relative_time', 10, 2); //The last integer must be 1 more than the actual parameters function my_custom_relative_time($null, $format){ //$null is required, but can be ignored //Write your own code here return true; //Return true to prevent the original function from running afterwords }
You can completely disable this PHP function with a single line actions:
add_filter('pre_nebula_relative_time', '__return_false');