nebula()->twitter_cache($username, $listname, $number_tweets, $include_retweets)
(Required) (String) The username to pull the feed of
Default: Great_Blakes
(Optional) (String) If using a list, the name of the list
Default: None
(Optional) (Integer) The number of Tweets to get
Default: 5
(Optional) (Boolean) Whether to include retweets
Default: true
Parameter Notes
This function requires a Twitter Bearer Token to be generated and set in Nebula Options!
If calling this function by AJAX, the data object should use the parameter names without the “$”.
Get the full tweet with clickable usernames, hashtags, and URLs.
<?php $tweets = nebula()->twitter_cache('Great_Blakes'); echo $tweet->markup; //This key is added by Nebula ?>
Retrieve tweets with only PHP
Fill pre-existing HTML with tweet data. This is good for displaying a single, latest tweet.
Generate the markup within a UL to display tweets. This method is good for showing multiple tweets.
Call the Nebula - Twitter Tweet widget
Additional Notes
This function can be called as a PHP function or via JavaScript using AJAX.
Nebula adds a markup
key to the Twitter object where it wraps detected strings in HTML tags (such as usernames, hashtags, and URLs in <a>
The Nebula – Twitter Tweets widget uses this function.
Source File
Located in /libs/Functions.php on line 2421.
1 Hook
Find these filters and actions in the source code below to hook into them. Use do_action() and add_filter() in your functions file or plugin.
"nebula_twitter_cache_defaults"Need a new filter hook? Request one here.
This function has no action hooks available. Request one?public function twitter_cache($options=array()){ $defaults = apply_filters('nebula_twitter_cache_defaults', array( 'user' => 'Great_Blakes', 'list' => null, 'number' => 5, 'retweets' => 1, )); $options = ( is_array($options) )? $options : array(); //Ensure the provided options is an array (and assign an empty array if it does not exist). Remember, this function may be called via WP hook. $data = array_merge($defaults, $options); $post = $this->super->post; //Get the $_POST data if ( !empty($post['data']) ){ if ( !wp_verify_nonce($post['nonce'], 'nebula_ajax_nonce') ){ die('Permission Denied.'); } $data['user'] = ( isset($post['data']['user']) )? sanitize_text_field($post['data']['user']) : $defaults['user']; $data['list'] = ( isset($post['data']['list']) )? sanitize_text_field($post['data']['list']) : $defaults['list']; //Only used for list feeds $data['number'] = ( isset($post['data']['number']) )? sanitize_text_field($post['data']['number']) : $defaults['number']; $data['retweets'] = ( isset($post['data']['retweets']) )? sanitize_text_field($post['data']['retweets']) : $defaults['retweets']; //1: Yes, 0: No } $twitter_timing_id = $this->timer('Twitter Cache (' . $data['user'] . ')', 'start', 'Twitter Cache'); error_reporting(0); //Prevent PHP errors from being cached. if ( !empty($data['list']) ){ $feed = '' . $data['list'] . '&owner_screen_name=' . $data['user'] . '&count=' . $data['number'] . '&include_rts=' . $data['retweets'] . '&tweet_mode=extended'; } else { $feed = '' . $data['user'] . '&count=' . $data['number'] . '&include_rts=' . $data['retweets'] . '&tweet_mode=extended'; } $bearer = $this->get_option('twitter_bearer_token', ''); if ( empty($bearer) ){ trigger_error('A Twitter bearer token is required to get tweets', E_USER_WARNING); if ( !empty($post['data']) ){ echo false; wp_die(); } else { return false; } } $tweets = nebula()->transient('nebula_twitter_' . $data['user'], function($data){ $args = array('headers' => array('Authorization' => 'Bearer ' . $data['bearer'])); $response = $this->remote_get($data['feed'], $args); if ( is_wp_error($response) ){ return false; } $tweets = json_decode($response['body']); //If there are no tweets -or- if an error is return (for example if an account does not exist) if ( empty($tweets) || !empty($tweets->errors) || !empty($tweets->error) ){ trigger_error('No tweets were retrieved. Verify all options are correct, the requested Twitter account exists, and that an active bearer token is being used.', E_USER_NOTICE); if ( !empty($data['post']['data']) ){ echo false; wp_die(); //Exit AJAX } else { return false; } } //Add convenient data to the tweet object foreach ( $tweets as $tweet ){ $tweet->tweet_url = '' . $tweet->user->screen_name . '/status/' . $tweet->id; //Add Tweet URL //Convert times $tweet->time_ago = human_time_diff(strtotime($tweet->created_at)); //Relative time $tweet->time_formatted = date('l, F j, Y \a\t g:ia', strtotime($tweet->created_at)); //Human readable time $tweet->time_ago_raw = date('U')-strtotime($tweet->created_at); //Convert usernames, hashtags, and URLs into clickable links and add other markup $tweet->markup = preg_replace(array( "/(http\S+)/i", //URLs (must be first) "/@([a-z0-9_]+)/i", //Usernames "/#([a-z0-9_]+)/i", //Hashtags "/(\d+\/(\d+)?)$/i", //Series numbers ), array( "<a class='tweet-embedded-link' href='$1' target='_blank' rel='noopener'>$1</a>", "<a class='tweet-embedded-username' href='$1' target='_blank' rel='noopener'>@$1</a>", "<a class='tweet-embedded-hashtag' href='$1' target='_blank' rel='noopener'>#$1</a>", "<small class='tweet-embedded-series-number'>$1</small>", ), trim($tweet->full_text)); } return $tweets; }, array('bearer' => $bearer, 'feed' => $feed, 'post' => $post), MINUTE_IN_SECONDS*5); $this->timer($twitter_timing_id, 'end'); if ( !empty($post['data']) ){ echo wp_json_encode($tweets); wp_die(); } else { return $tweets; } }
This function can not be short-circuited with an override filter. Request one?