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Easily store landing page UTM data to recall it on future pages within the session.

PHP March 21, 2023




This function does not accept any parameters. Is this incorrect?


Get the landing page URL and UTM parameters of a subsequent pageview


Get the original landing page URL and UTM parameters on a subsequent pageview in JavaScript


Read it directly from the cookie in PHP


Read it directly from the cookie in JavaScript


Additional Notes

Important: This function requires the “Attribution Tracking” Nebula Option to be enabled in order to use it! Be sure that the use of this cookie fits within your privacy policy and other regulations.

Note that this stores the entire URL of the landing page (LP) including the entire query string if any UTM tag (or other tracking parameter) exists.

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    Source File

    Located in /libs/Utilities/Utilities.php on line 686.

    No Hooks

    This function does not have any filters or actions available. Request one?

    Note: This function contains 1 to-do comment.

            public function utms(){
                if ( !$this->is_analytics_allowed() ){ //Do nothing if analytics is not allowed
                    return '';
                if ( $this->get_option('attribution_tracking') ){ //This functionality requires the Attribution Tracking Nebula Option because it adds tracking cookies
                    //Check the cookie first
                    if ( !empty($this->super->cookie['nebula_utms']) ){
                        return sanitize_text_field(htmlspecialchars($this->super->cookie['nebula_utms']));
                    //Otherwise check for various UTM parameters
                    $notable_tags = array('utm_', 'fbclid', 'gclid', 'gclsrc', 'dclid', 'gbraid', 'wbraid', 'mc_eid', '_hsenc', 'vero_id', 'mkt_tok');
                    $urls_to_check = array(
                        $this->url_components('query'), //Check the URL of the current page request
                    //Check the referer header URL too (if it exists)
                    //Note: This will only be used if a UTM value is not found in the current page request
                    if ( !empty($this->super->server['HTTP_REFERER']) ){
                        if ( $this->url_components('domain', $this->super->server['HTTP_REFERER']) == $this->url_components('domain') ){ //Only if the referrer also matches the current website domain. Using "domain" instead of "hostname" to allow UTM parameters to be read from subdomains too.
                            $urls_to_check[] = $this->url_components('query', $this->super->server['HTTP_REFERER']);
                    foreach ( $urls_to_check as $query_string ){ //Loop through the URLs that may contain UTM tags
                        foreach ( $notable_tags as $tag ){ //Loop through each of the notable tracking tags
                            if ( strpos(strtolower($query_string), $tag) > -1 ){ //If UTM parameters exist //@todo "Nebula" 0: Update strpos() to str_contains() in PHP8
                                $this->set_cookie('nebula_utms', $this->url_components('all'), strtotime('+14 months')); //Set/update the cookie and store the entire LP URL
                                return sanitize_text_field($this->url_components('all')); //Return the entire landing page URL with full query string sanitized
                return '';


    This function can not be short-circuited with an override filter. Request one?