(Optional) (Boolean) What value should be returned.
Default: false
Parameter Notes
Possible $return values include “raw”, “version”, “full”, “date”, “time”, and “utc”.
Leaving it empty or passing false will return an array of all version information.
Note: one additional return value is “realtime” which provides the exact Nebula (parent) version including the real-time build number. Whereas the other return values will pull from wp_get_theme
, this will parse the stylesheet directly. This is only available for the parent theme.
Return the month, day, and year of the Nebula version.
<?php echo nebula()->version('date'); ?>
Additional Notes
Like WordPress, Nebula has a time-based version number. Every May, a major version is released. Likewise, each month a minor version is released. The third number represents the day of the month that Nebula was updated.
Source File
Located in /libs/Utilities/Utilities.php on line 1332.
2 Hooks
Find these filters and actions in the source code below to hook into them. Use do_action() and add_filter() in your functions file or plugin.
Need a new filter hook? Request one here.
This function has no action hooks available. Request one?Note: This function contains 1 to-do comment.
public function version($return=false){ $override = apply_filters('pre_nebula_version', null, $return); if ( isset($override) ){return $override;} $appended_version = apply_filters('nebula_version_appended', ''); //Allow others to append an additional version number at the end of Nebula's. This would assist in clearing caches in the parent theme in certain circumstances. $appended_version_number = ''; if ( !empty($appended_version) && substr($appended_version, 0, 1) !== '.' ){ //If it does not start with a dot, add one. //@todo "Nebula" 0: In PHP8 use str_starts_with here $appended_version_number .= '.' . $appended_version; } $return = str_replace(array(' ', '_', '-'), '', strtolower($return)); if ( $return === 'child' && is_child_theme() ){ return $this->child_version(); //This version gets appended on its own } //Parse the actual Nebula style.scss file which is closer to real-time than using wp_get_theme() below (which is sufficient for most uses), but is a little more intensive if ( $return === 'realtime' ){ WP_Filesystem(); global $wp_filesystem; $style_scss = $wp_filesystem->get_contents(get_template_directory() . '/assets/scss/style.scss'); if ( !empty($style_scss) ){ preg_match("/(?:Version: )(?<number>\d+?\.\d+?\.\d+?\.\d+?)$/m", $style_scss, $realtime_version_number); return $realtime_version_number['number']; //Appended version number is not applied to the realtime version } } $nebula_theme_info = ( is_child_theme() )? wp_get_theme(str_replace('-child', '', get_template())) : wp_get_theme(); //Get the parent theme (regardless of if child theme is active) if ( $return === 'raw' ){ //Check this first to prevent needing to RegEx altogether return $nebula_theme_info->get('Version') . $appended_version_number; //Ex: } preg_match('/(?<primary>(?<major>\d+)\.(?<minor>\d+)\.(?<patch>\d+[a-z]?))\.?(?<build>\d+)?/i', $nebula_theme_info->get('Version'), $nebula_version); //If the preg_match fails, exit early here if ( empty($nebula_version) ){ return 0; //May need to return different types based on what $return value is expected... Trying an int for now. } $nebula_version['patch'] = preg_replace('/\D/', '', $nebula_version['patch']); //Remove letters from patch number $nebula_version_year = ( $nebula_version['minor'] >= 8 )? 2012+$nebula_version['major']+1 : 2012+$nebula_version['major']; $nebula_months = array('May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December', 'January', 'February', 'March', 'April'); $nebula_version_month = $nebula_months[$nebula_version['minor']%12]; //Modulo 12 so the version can go beyond 11 (and still match the appropriate month) $nebula_version_day = ( empty($nebula_version['patch']) )? '' : $nebula_version['patch']; $nebula_version_day_formated = ( empty($nebula_version['patch']) )? ' ' : ' ' . $nebula_version['patch'] . ', '; $nebula_version_info = array( 'full' => $nebula_version[0], 'primary' => $nebula_version['primary'], 'major' => $nebula_version['major'], 'minor' => $nebula_version['minor'], 'patch' => $nebula_version['patch'], 'build' => ( isset($nebula_version['build']) )? $nebula_version['build'] : false, 'appended' => $appended_version, 'utc' => strtotime($nebula_version_month . $nebula_version_day_formated . $nebula_version_year), 'date' => $nebula_version_month . $nebula_version_day_formated . $nebula_version_year, 'year' => $nebula_version_year, 'month' => $nebula_version_month, 'day' => $nebula_version_day, ); switch ( $return ){ case ('raw'): //Should not ever reach this. See early return above. case ('realtime'): //Probably would not reach this unless Sass is disabled and requesting parent theme realtime version return $nebula_theme_info->get('Version'); //Ex: case ('version'): case ('full'): return $nebula_version_info['full'] . $appended_version; //Ex: (plus any appended number) case ('primary'): return $nebula_version_info['primary']; //Ex: 7.2.23 case ('date'): return $nebula_version_info['date']; //Ex: July 23, 2019 case ('time'): case ('utc'): return $nebula_version_info['utc']; //Ex: 1559275200 default: return $nebula_version_info; } }
To override this PHP function, use this hook in your child theme or plugin ("my_custom" can be changed):
add_filter('pre_nebula_version', 'my_custom_version', 10, 2); //The last integer must be 1 more than the actual parameters function my_custom_version($null, $return){ //$null is required, but can be ignored //Write your own code here return true; //Return true to prevent the original function from running afterwords }
You can completely disable this PHP function with a single line actions:
add_filter('pre_nebula_version', '__return_false');