This function runs automatically, so it is not called manually. Is this incorrect?
Additional Notes
The order ID is passed by WooCommerce and is handled automatically. This function requires Nebula Visitor DB option to be enabled.
Source File
Located in /libs/Ecommerce.php on line 211.
No Hooks
This function does not have any filters or actions available. Request one?Note: This function contains 1 to-do comment.
public function woocommerce_order_data($order_id){ $order = new WC_Order($order_id); echo '<script>'; echo 'gtag("set", "user_properties", { woocommerce_customer : "Order Received" });'; $product_items = array(); //Prep this for the GA payload $index = 0; foreach ( $order->get_items() as $item_id => $item ){ //Loop through all of the items in the order $variation = wc_get_product($item->get_variation_id()); //If no variation, this will appear the same as the product itself $item_variant = ''; if ( !empty($variation) ){ $item_variant = $variation->get_name(); } $product_items[] = array( 'item_id' => $item->get_product_id(), 'item_name' => $item->get_name(), 'currency' => 'USD', 'item_variant' => $item_variant, 'price' => $item->get_meta('_price', true), 'quantity' => $item->get_quantity(), 'index' => $index, ); $index++; } echo 'gtag("event", "nebula_purchase", { event_category: "Ecommerce", event_action: "Purchase (Nebula)", event_label: "Order ID: ' . $order->get_id() . ' (' . $order->get_total() . ')", transaction_id: "' . $order->get_id() . '", value: ' . $order->get_total() . ', //Grand total price tax: ' . $order->get_total_tax() . ', shipping: ' . $order->get_shipping_total() . ', currency: "' . $order->get_currency() . '", items: ' . wp_json_encode($product_items) . ' });'; echo '</script>'; if ( $this->get_option('hubspot_portal') ){ $order = new WC_Order($order_id); ?> <?php if ( 1==2 ): //@todo "Nebula" 0: See if this script tag will break anything! If this can't be done here, try the above "woo_custom_ga_events" function... but can order details be accessed from that page? ?> <script> <?php //Don't use nv() here because this is being included with the initial Hubspot data before the pageview is sent ?> _hsq.push(["identify", { role: 'Customer', email: '<?php echo $order->billing_email; ?>', firstname: '<?php echo $order->billing_first_name; ?>', lastname: '<?php echo $order->billing_last_name; ?>', full_name: '<?php echo $order->billing_first_name . ' ' . $order->billing_last_name; ?>', street_full: '<?php echo $order->billing_address_1 . ' ' . $order->billing_address_2; ?>', city: '<?php echo $order->billing_city; ?>', state: '<?php echo $order->billing_state; ?>', zipcode: '<?php echo $order->billing_postcode; ?>', country: '<?php echo $order->billing_country; ?>', phone: '<?php echo $order->billing_phone; ?>', }]); </script> <?php endif; ?> <?php } }
This function can not be short-circuited with an override filter. Request one?