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Domain Regex Generator

January 18, 2017


Nebula Spambot Regex function does not exist. This implies that there is an error trying to retrieve spambot list from this GitHub Gist!

Generated RegEx Pattern - For Including Valid Hostnames

The valid hostname regex function ran successfully! Here is a simple RegEx pattern of valid hostnames. Add any additional valid hostnames that are not on this domain too!

This pattern does not require routine maintenance unless additional valid hostnames are added. Important note: make sure you have included all possible hostnames/domains that are used for your site!

Enter your valid hostnames in Nebula Options then run the function <?php echo nebula_valid_hostname_regex(); ?> on your own server (or expand the help icon in Nebula Options)!

Custom Valid Hostnames Include Regex Pattern

Enter a comma-separated list of valid hostnames here (including domains, sub-domains, vanity domains, etc).

Valid Hostnames (Comma Separated)

Note: Google Analytics filters limit patterns to 255 characters.

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