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…accidentally running it. It attempts to AJAX the initialization, but if AJAX fails it gives a notice and then automatically reloads the page to re-trigger the initialization. After initialization is…


This function is called when clicking the initialize links after activating the Nebula theme and subsequently calls several other initialization functions.


This function currently only deletes the Hello Dolly plugin if it still exists from the original WordPress install.


Recommended settings include blog description, timezone, week start, permalink structure, ping status, and widgets.


Uses the Sample Page if available, otherwise creates a new home page with an ID of 0. This function will not override a home page if one exists already….


This function will not email admins more than once in a 15 minute period, so multiple initializations will not cause emails within that time.


This function looks for variables set between //BEGIN Automated edits and //END Automated edits in the service worker JavaScript file (default: sw.js)…

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…not include any data we are obliged to keep for administrative, legal, or security purposes. Where we send your data Messages may be checked through an automated spam detection service….


This is automatically initialized on window load when the Facebook App ID Nebula Option is used. After the asynchronous initialization, fbinit is triggered. Documentation Login Button Graph API User Fields…

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