
…is what stage that version is in: active, security, or end. Security is the date when security updates stop. End is the date when that version is no longer maintained….


Like WordPress, Nebula has a time-based version number. Every May, a major version is released. Likewise, each month a minor version is released. The third number represents the day of…


Note that this does not change the active URL. It only returns the URL without the query string….

Examples & Tips

…Media API to capture video (and/or audio) from the user’s device. History API January 17, 2017 1484629200 February 19, 2018 1519017240 History API Use the History API to modify the…

Get Started

…Email Domains. How do I know what version of Nebula I’m using? In the WordPress admin, the lower-right side of the footer has the Nebula version. Hover over the version

Upgrading to Font Awesome Pro

Instructions Download the Pro version of Font Awesome for Web here: (reference the version number there). Be sure to upload the Font Awesome Pro webfonts folder to the /assets/css…


This checks the Bootstrap Version set in Nebula Options.

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