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Add an entry to the Nebula administrative log.

PHP May 1, 2020


nebula()->add_log($message, $importance)


(Required) (String) The message text
Default: None

(Optional) (Integer) How important this log is (0-10)
Default: None

Parameter Notes

Do not include personally identifiable information in the message. This log database is meant for strictly administrative events– this is not meant to log visitor usage data or personal information!

Logs with an importance of 0 may be automatically removed to save space in the log database.

Note: A timestamp is automatically added to the message as well as the user who logged the message (so those are not needed in the message string).

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Additional Notes

This log option is disabled by default! It will not log anything when disabled, so retroactive logs are not possible. It is available in Nebula Options in the Administrative tab and logs themselves can be viewed in Nebula Options in the Diagnostics tab.

Some examples of administrative events that are logged by Nebula itself:

  • Nebula theme activation
  • Nebula theme updates (via WordPress updater)
  • WordPress core updates (via WordPress updater)
  • Nebula Options saved
  • Admin user registration
  • Automatic Sass disabling
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    Source File

    Located in /libs/Utilities/Logs.php on line 121.

    2 Hooks

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    Note: This function contains 1 to-do comment.

            public function add_log($message='', $importance=0, $optimize=true){
                if ( $this->get_option('administrative_log') && is_user_logged_in() && !empty($message) ){
                    global $wpdb;
                    try {
                        $log_insertion = $wpdb->insert($wpdb->nebula_logs, array(
                            'timestamp' => sanitize_text_field(date('U')),
                            'message' => sanitize_text_field($message),
                            'user_id' => intval(get_current_user_id()), //Note: returns 0 in cron jobs
                            'importance' => intval($importance)
                        )); //DB Query
                    } catch(Exception $error){
                        //This could happen if the option was enabled (somehow) by non-staff, and a log was attempted to be added
                        $this->update_option('administrative_log', 0); //Disable the option just to be safe. Unfortunately this cannot be logged somewhere...
                        do_action('qm/error', $error);
                        return false;
                    do_action('qm/info', 'Added Nebula Log: ' . sanitize_text_field($message));
                    if ( !empty($optimize) ){
                        //$this->optimize_logs(); //@todo "nebula" 0: Need to test this before enabling!
                    if ( $this->is_debug(false) || WP_DEBUG || WP_DEBUG_LOG ){
                        $this->debug_log($message . ' [User: ' . get_userdata(intval(get_current_user_id()))->display_name . ']'); //Log the message to a file too when debug mode is active
                    return is_int($log_insertion); //Boolean return
                return false;


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