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Add detected Vimeo videos to the Nebula players object.

JavaScript February 7, 2021


This function runs automatically, so it is not called manually. Is this incorrect?

Additional Notes

This function looks for any iframe with a src that contains “vimeo”.

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    Source File

    Located in /assets/js/modules/video.js on line 589.

    No Hooks

    This function does not have any filters or actions available. Request one?
    nebula.createVimeoPlayers = function(){
        jQuery('iframe[src*="vimeo"], iframe[data-src*="vimeo"]').each(function(){ //This is not finding lazy loaded videos
            if ( !jQuery(this).hasClass('ignore') ){ //Use this class to ignore certain videos from tracking
                let id = jQuery(this).attr('data-video-id') || jQuery(this).attr('data-vimeo-id') || jQuery(this).attr('id') || false;
                if ( !id ){
                    if ( jQuery(this).attr('src').includes('player_id') ){
                        id = jQuery(this).attr('src').split('player_id=').pop().split('&')[0]; //Use the player_id parameter. Note: This is no longer used by the Vimeo API!
                    } else {
                        id = jQuery(this).attr('src').split('/').pop().split('?')[0]; //Grab the ID off the end of the URL (ignoring query parameters)
                    if ( id && !parseInt(id) ){ //If the ID is a not number try to find a number in the iframe src
                        id = (/\d{6,}/g).exec(jQuery(this).attr('src'))[0];
                    jQuery(this).attr('id', id);
                nebula.videos = nebula.videos || {}; //Always make sure this is defined
                if ( typeof nebula.videos[id] === 'object' ){ //If this video is already being tracked ignore it
                    return; //Continue the loop
                //Fill in the data object here
                nebula.videos[id] = {
                    player: new Vimeo.Player(jQuery(this)),
                    element: jQuery(this),
                    platform: 'vimeo', //The platform the video is hosted using.
                    autoplay: jQuery(this).attr('src').includes('autoplay=1'), //Look for the autoplay parameter in the iframe src.
                    id: id,
                    current: 0, //The current position of the video. Units: Seconds
                    video_percent: 0, //The percent of the current position. Multiply by 100 for actual percent.
                    engaged: false, //Whether the viewer has watched enough of the video to be considered engaged.
                    seeker: false, //Whether the viewer has seeked through the video at least once.
                    seen: [], //An array of percentages seen by the viewer. This is to roughly estimate how much was watched.
                    watched: 0, //Amount of time watching the video (regardless of seeking). Accurate to 1% of video duration. Units: Seconds
                    watchedPercent: 0, //The decimal percentage of the video watched. Multiply by 100 for actual percent.
                    pausedYet: false, //If this video has been paused yet by the user.
                    nebula.videos[id].title = title; //The title of the video
                    nebula.videos[id].duration = duration; //The total duration of the video. Units: Seconds
                nebula.videos[id].player.on('play', function(e){
                    let thisEvent = {
                        event_name: 'video_start',
                        event_category: 'Videos',
                        event_action: ( nebula.isInView(jQuery(nebula.videos[id].element)) )? 'Play' : 'Play (Not In View)',
                        video_title: nebula.videos[id].title,
                        video_provider: 'vimeo',
                        autoplay: nebula.videos[id].autoplay
                    if ( nebula.videos[id].autoplay ){
                        thisEvent.event_action += ' (Autoplay)';
                    } else {
                    nebula.dom.document.trigger('nebula_event', thisEvent);
                    gtag('event', thisEvent.event_name, nebula.gaEventObject(thisEvent));
                    nebula.crm('event', 'Video Play Began: ' + thisEvent.title);
                    nebula.dom.document.trigger('nebula_playing_video', nebula.videos[id].title);
                //Time Update
                nebula.videos[id].player.on('timeupdate', function(e){
                    nebula.videos[id].duration = e.duration;
                    nebula.videos[id].current = e.seconds;
                    nebula.videos[id].percent = e.percent;
                    //Determine watched percent by adding current percents to an array, then count the array!
                    nowSeen = Math.ceil(nebula.videos[id].percent*100);
                    if ( nebula.videos[id].seen.indexOf(nowSeen) < 0 ){
                    nebula.videos[id].watchedPercent = nebula.videos[id].seen.length;
                    nebula.videos[id].watched = (nebula.videos[id].seen.length/100)*nebula.videos[id].duration; //Roughly calculate time watched based on percent seen
                    if ( !nebula.videos[id].autoplay && nebula.videos[id].watchedPercent > 25 && !nebula.videos[id].engaged ){
                        if ( nebula.isInView(jQuery(nebula.videos[id].element)) ){
                            let thisEvent = {
                                event_name: 'video_engagement',
                                event_category: 'Videos',
                                event_action: ( nebula.videos[id].autoplay )? 'Engaged' : 'Engaged (Autoplay)',
                                video_title: nebula.videos[id].title,
                                video_provider: 'vimeo',
                                autoplay: nebula.videos[id].autoplay,
                                non_interaction: true
                            nebula.dom.document.trigger('nebula_event', thisEvent);
                            gtag('event', thisEvent.event_name, nebula.gaEventObject(thisEvent));
                            nebula.crm('event', 'Video Engaged: ' + thisEvent.title);
                            nebula.videos[id].engaged = true;
                            nebula.dom.document.trigger('nebula_engaged_video', nebula.videos[id].title);
                nebula.videos[id].player.on('pause', function(e){
                    let thisEvent = {
                        event_name: 'video_pause',
                        event_category: 'Videos',
                        event_action: 'Paused',
                        first_pause: !nebula.videos[id].pausedYet,
                        play_time: Math.round(nebula.videos[id].watched),
                        video_percent: Math.round(e.percent*100),
                        video_title: nebula.videos[id].title,
                        video_provider: 'vimeo',
                        autoplay: nebula.videos[id].autoplay
                    if ( !nebula.videos[id].pausedYet && !nebula.videos[id].seeker ){ //Only capture first pause if they didn't seek
                        nebula.videos[id].pausedYet = true;
                    nebula.dom.document.trigger('nebula_event', thisEvent);
                    gtag('event', thisEvent.event_name, nebula.gaEventObject(thisEvent));
                    gtag('event', 'timing_complete', {
                        name: thisEvent.event_action,
                        value: Math.round(e.seconds*1000),
                        event_category: thisEvent.event_category,
                        event_label: thisEvent.title,
                    nebula.crm('event', 'Video Paused: ' + thisEvent.title);
                    nebula.dom.document.trigger('nebula_paused_video', nebula.videos[id]);
                nebula.videos[id].player.on('seeked', function(e){
                    let thisEvent = {
                        event_name: 'video_seek',
                        event_category: 'Videos',
                        event_action: 'Seek',
                        position: e.seconds,
                        video_title: nebula.videos[id].title,
                        video_provider: 'vimeo',
                        autoplay: nebula.videos[id].autoplay
                    thisEvent.event_label = thisEvent.title + ' [to: ' + thisEvent.position + ']';
                    nebula.dom.document.trigger('nebula_event', thisEvent);
                    gtag('event', thisEvent.event_name, nebula.gaEventObject(thisEvent));
                    nebula.crm('event', 'Video Seeked: ' + thisEvent.title);
                    nebula.videos[id].seeker = true;
                    nebula.dom.document.trigger('nebula_seeked_video', nebula.videos[id]);
                nebula.videos[id].player.on('ended', function(e){
                    let thisEvent = {
                        event_name: 'video_complete',
                        event_category: 'Videos',
                        event_action: ( nebula.isInView(jQuery(nebula.videos[id].element)) )? 'Ended' : 'Ended (Not In View)',
                        video_title: nebula.videos[id].title,
                        video_provider: 'vimeo',
                        play_time: Math.round(nebula.videos[id].watched),
                        progress: Math.round(nebula.videos[id].watched*1000),
                        autoplay: nebula.videos[id].autoplay,
                        non_interaction: true
                    if ( nebula.videos[id].autoplay ){
                        thisEvent.event_action += ' (Autoplay)';
                    nebula.dom.document.trigger('nebula_event', thisEvent);
                    gtag('event', thisEvent.event_name, nebula.gaEventObject(thisEvent));
                    gtag('event', 'timing_complete', {
                        name: thisEvent.event_action,
                        value: thisEvent.progress,
                        event_category: thisEvent.event_category,
                        event_label: thisEvent.title,
                    nebula.crm('event', 'Video Ended: ' + thisEvent.title);
                    nebula.dom.document.trigger('nebula_ended_video', nebula.videos[id]);
                nebula.dom.document.trigger('nebula_vimeo_player_created', nebula.videos[id]);
        if ( typeof videoProgress === 'undefined' ){
            let videoProgress = {};


    To override or disable this JavaScript function, simply redeclare it with the exact same function name. Remember: Some functionality is conditionally loaded via dynamic imports, so if your function is not overriding properly, try listening for a DOM event (described below).


    For non-module import functions:

    nebula.createVimeoPlayers = function(){
        //Write your own code here, leave it blank, or return false.

    For dynamically imported module function overrides:

    jQuery(window).on('load', function(){
        nebula.createVimeoPlayers = function(){
            //Write your own code here, leave it blank, or return false.

    Custom Nebula DOM events do also exist, so you could also try the following if the Window Load listener does not work:

    jQuery(document).on('nebula_module_loaded', function(module){
        //Note that the module variable is also available to know which module specifically was imported
        if ( typeof nebula.createVimeoPlayers === 'function' ){
            nebula.createVimeoPlayers = function(){
                //Write your own code here, leave it blank, or return false.