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Allows real-time filtering of lists.

JavaScript February 7, 2021


nebula.keywordFilter(container, parent, values, filteredClass, operator);


(Required) (Selector) The selector for the container element that wraps all individual elements.
Default: None

(Required) (Selector) The selector of the parent element of the individual element to be searched/filtered.
Default: None

(Required) (String|Array) The text string, RegEx pattern, or array of strings to search for
Default: string

(Optional) (String) The class to add to non-matching items
Default: filtereditem

(Optional) (String) When multiple values are used should this look for any ("or") or all ("and")?
Default: and

Parameter Notes

values parameter will commonly use jQuery(this).val().

To define your own custom regular expression for the “value” parameter, start and end the string with “/”. When using RegEx this way, only 1 parameter is accepted. However, each individual pattern accepts regular expression syntax. See examples below for details.

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Simple input string filter

jQuery(document).on('keyup', '#example-input', function(){
    nebula.keywordFilter('ul#example-list', 'li', jQuery(this).val());

Custom RegEx pattern filter

nebula.keywordFilter('ul#example-list', 'li', '/custom|regex|pattern/');

Multiple RegEx patterns (with "or" operator)

nebula.keywordFilter('ul#example-list', 'li', ['custom|pattern', 'number\d+'], 'filtereditem', 'or');

Multiple strings (with "and" operator and custom filtered class)

nebula.keywordFilter('ul#example-list', 'li', ['lorem', 'ipsum', 'dolor'], 'hide-this', 'and');


Type a keyword into one or both inputs below to filter the list of items

Example List

  • Example 1

    This is the first example.

  • Another Example

    This is the second example.

  • Lorem ipsum dolor

    Duis dictum, turpis vitae mollis imperdiet.

  • Sed id orci volutpat

    Sed risus augue, semper et ornare a, placerat eu nibh.

  • Vestibulum mattis sapien

    Fusce sit amet varius eros.

  • Ut molestie quis

    Donec ex turpis, laoreet at felis

  • Fusce ornare felis

    Morbi hendrerit nibh sit amet aliquet

  • Vestibulum ante

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

  • Quisque non ipsum

    Mauris molestie vestibulum imperdiet

  • Maecenas volutpat

    Vestibulum aliquet arcu molestie

  • Phasellus placerat

    Cras nec ante sed nisl

  • Curabitur a faucibus

    Aenean interdum ut purus

  • Nullam ut ligula

    Fusce consequat semper

  • Example 14

    This is the fourteenth example

  • Example 15

    This is the fifteenth example

  • Example 16

    This is the sixteenth example

Additional Notes

“Container” is the element that wraps all of the individual elements. Think of this as the boundary for the filter. In a list example, the “container” would be the UL.

“Parent” is each individual element that will be filtered. In a list example, the “parent” would be the “LI”.

Note, the function keywordSearch() is an alias of this function for legacy versions of Nebula.

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    Source File

    Located in /assets/js/modules/search.js on line 21.

    No Hooks

    This function does not have any filters or actions available. Request one?
    nebula.keywordFilter = function(container, parent, values = 'string', filteredClass = 'filtereditem', operator = 'and'){
        if ( typeof values === 'string' ){
            values = [values];
        values = values.filter(String); //Remove any empty values from the array
        jQuery(container).find(parent + '.' + filteredClass).removeClass(filteredClass); //Reset everything for a new search filter
        if ( values.length ){
            if ( values.length === 1 && values[0].length > 2 && values[0].charAt(0) === '/' && values[0].slice(-1) === '/' ){
                let regex = new RegExp(values[0].substring(1).slice(0, -1), 'i'); //Convert the string to RegEx after removing the first and last /
                jQuery(container).find(parent).each(function(){ //Loop through each element to check against the regex pattern
                    let elementText = jQuery(this).text().trim().replaceAll(/\s\s+/g, ' '); //Combine all interior text of the element into a single line and remove extra whitespace
                    if ( regex.test(elementText) ){
            } else if ( !operator || operator === 'and' || operator === 'all' ){ //Match only elements that contain all keywords (Default operator is And if not provided)
                jQuery.each(values, function(index, value){ //Loop through the values to search for
                    if ( value && value.trim().length ){ //If the value exists and is not empty
                        //Check if the value is a valid RegEx string
                        try {
                            var regex = new RegExp(value, 'i'); //Keep var here so variable can be used outside of the try/catch without erroring
                        } catch(error){ //This is an invalid RegEx pattern
                            return false; //Ignore this search
                        jQuery(container).find(parent).not('.' + filteredClass).each(function(){ //Now check elements that have not yet been filtered for this value
                            let elementText = jQuery(this).text().trim().replaceAll(/\s\s+/g, ' '); //Combine all interior text of the element into a single line and remove extra whitespace
                            if ( !regex.test(elementText) ){
            } else { //Match elements that contains any keyword
                let pattern = '';
                jQuery.each(values, function(index, value){
                    if ( value.trim().length ){ //If the value is not empty, add it to the pattern
                        pattern += value + '|';
                pattern = pattern.slice(0, -1); //Remove the last | character
                let regex = new RegExp(pattern, 'i');
                jQuery(container).find(parent).each(function(){ //Loop through each element to check against the regex pattern
                    let elementText = jQuery(this).text().trim().replaceAll(/\s\s+/g, ' '); //Combine all interior text of the element into a single line and remove extra whitespace
                    if ( regex.test(elementText) ){


    To override or disable this JavaScript function, simply redeclare it with the exact same function name. Remember: Some functionality is conditionally loaded via dynamic imports, so if your function is not overriding properly, try listening for a DOM event (described below).


    For non-module import functions:

    nebula.keywordFilter = function(container, parent, values, filteredClass, operator){
        //Write your own code here, leave it blank, or return false.

    For dynamically imported module function overrides:

    jQuery(window).on('load', function(){
        nebula.keywordFilter = function(container, parent, values, filteredClass, operator){
            //Write your own code here, leave it blank, or return false.

    Custom Nebula DOM events do also exist, so you could also try the following if the Window Load listener does not work:

    jQuery(document).on('nebula_module_loaded', function(module){
        //Note that the module variable is also available to know which module specifically was imported
        if ( typeof nebula.keywordFilter === 'function' ){
            nebula.keywordFilter = function(container, parent, values, filteredClass, operator){
                //Write your own code here, leave it blank, or return false.