This function runs automatically, so it is not called manually. Is this incorrect?
Additional Notes
This dequeues scripts that are not needed on certain pages.
Source File
Located in /libs/Optimization.php on line 616.
1 Hook
Find these filters and actions in the source code below to hook into them. Use do_action() and add_filter() in your functions file or plugin.
"pre_nebula_dequeues"Need a new filter hook? Request one here.
This function has no action hooks available. Request one?Note: This function contains 1 to-do comment.
public function dequeues(){ $override = apply_filters('pre_nebula_dequeues', null); if ( isset($override) ){return;} if ( !is_admin() ){ $current_action = current_action(); //Get the current WordPress action handle that was called (so we know which one we are "inside") $timer_name = $this->timer('Advanced Dequeues (' . $current_action . ')'); $this->deregister('contact-form-7', 'style'); //Removing CF7 styles in favor of Bootstrap + Nebula $this->deregister('wp-embed', 'script'); //WP Core WP-Embed - Override this only if embedding external WordPress posts into this WordPress site. Other oEmbeds are NOT AFFECTED by this! $this->deregister('classic-theme-styles', 'style'); //WP 6.1 added "classic-themes.css" file. Get rid of it. //Page specific dequeues if ( is_front_page() ){ $this->deregister('thickbox', 'style'); //WP Core Thickbox - Override this if thickbox type gallery IS used on the homepage. $this->deregister('thickbox', 'script'); //WP Thickbox - Override this if thickbox type gallery IS used on the homepage. } if ( !empty($current_action) ){ //Ignore script dependencies on style-based hooks (enqueue_scripts and print_scripts) // if ( strpos($current_action, 'scripts') !== false ){ //@todo "Nebula" 0: Update strpos() to str_contains() in PHP8 // //Disabled because some functionality still needs wp-polyfill even in modern browsers. Ugh. Ex: // //Remove "wp-polyfill" but first need to remove that dependency from other scripts. In the future, this may no longer be needed... hopefully. Watch this issue: // $scripts = wp_scripts(); //Get all of the script dependencies // foreach ( $scripts->registered as $registered_script ){ //Loop through all registered scripts // foreach ( $registered_script->deps as $dep_key => $handle ){ //Loop through each of the dependencies // if ( $handle === 'wp-polyfill' ){ //If this dependency is "wp-polyfill" // unset($registered_script->deps[$dep_key]); //Remove this dependency // } // } // } // $this->deregister('wp-polyfill', 'script', false); //Now we can deregister "wp-polyfill" without breaking other assets // } //Dequeue styles based on selected Nebula options if ( $current_action !== 'wp_print_scripts' ){ //Check the last hook to run and skip dequeuing styles on the print scripts hook $styles_to_dequeue = $this->get_option('dequeue_styles'); if ( !empty($styles_to_dequeue) ){ $this->check_dequeue_rules($styles_to_dequeue, 'styles'); } } //Dequeue scripts based on selected Nebula options if ( $current_action !== 'wp_print_styles' ){ //Check the last hook to run and skip dequeuing scripts on the print styles hook $scripts_to_dequeue = $this->get_option('dequeue_scripts'); if ( !empty($scripts_to_dequeue) ){ $this->check_dequeue_rules($scripts_to_dequeue, 'scripts'); } } } $this->timer($timer_name, 'end'); } }
To override this PHP function, use this hook in your child theme or plugin ("my_custom" can be changed):
add_filter('pre_nebula_dequeues', 'my_custom_dequeues'); function my_custom_dequeues(){ //Write your own code here return true; //Return true to prevent the original function from running afterwords }
You can completely disable this PHP function with a single line actions:
add_filter('pre_nebula_dequeues', '__return_false');