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Dequeue certain scripts when not needed.

PHP April 26, 2017


This function runs automatically, so it is not called manually. Is this incorrect?

Additional Notes

This dequeues scripts that are not needed on certain pages.

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    Source File

    Located in /libs/Optimization.php on line 615.

    1 Hook

    Find these filters and actions in the source code below to hook into them. Use do_action() and add_filter() in your functions file or plugin.

    Need a new filter hook? Request one here.

    This function has no action hooks available. Request one?

    Note: This function contains 1 to-do comment.

            public function dequeues(){
                $override = apply_filters('pre_nebula_dequeues', null);
                if ( isset($override) ){return;}
                if ( !is_admin() ){
                    $current_action = current_action(); //Get the current WordPress action handle that was called (so we know which one we are "inside")
                    $timer_name = $this->timer('Advanced Dequeues (' . $current_action . ')');
                    $this->deregister('contact-form-7', 'style'); //Removing CF7 styles in favor of Bootstrap + Nebula
                    $this->deregister('wp-embed', 'script'); //WP Core WP-Embed - Override this only if embedding external WordPress posts into this WordPress site. Other oEmbeds are NOT AFFECTED by this!
                    $this->deregister('classic-theme-styles', 'style'); //WP 6.1 added "classic-themes.css" file. Get rid of it.
                    //Page specific dequeues
                    if ( is_front_page() ){
                        $this->deregister('thickbox', 'style'); //WP Core Thickbox - Override this if thickbox type gallery IS used on the homepage.
                        $this->deregister('thickbox', 'script'); //WP Thickbox - Override this if thickbox type gallery IS used on the homepage.
                    if ( !empty($current_action) ){
                        //Ignore script dependencies on style-based hooks (enqueue_scripts and print_scripts)
                        // if ( strpos($current_action, 'scripts') !== false ){ //@todo "Nebula" 0: Update strpos() to str_contains() in PHP8
                        //    //Disabled because some functionality still needs wp-polyfill even in modern browsers. Ugh. Ex:
                        //     //Remove "wp-polyfill" but first need to remove that dependency from other scripts. In the future, this may no longer be needed... hopefully. Watch this issue:
                        //     $scripts = wp_scripts(); //Get all of the script dependencies
                        //     foreach ( $scripts->registered as $registered_script ){ //Loop through all registered scripts
                        //         foreach ( $registered_script->deps as $dep_key => $handle ){ //Loop through each of the dependencies
                        //             if ( $handle === 'wp-polyfill' ){ //If this dependency is "wp-polyfill"
                        //                 unset($registered_script->deps[$dep_key]); //Remove this dependency
                        //             }
                        //         }
                        //     }
                        //     $this->deregister('wp-polyfill', 'script', false); //Now we can deregister "wp-polyfill" without breaking other assets
                        // }
                        //Dequeue styles based on selected Nebula options
                        if ( $current_action !== 'wp_print_scripts' ){ //Check the last hook to run and skip dequeuing styles on the print scripts hook
                            $styles_to_dequeue = $this->get_option('dequeue_styles');
                            if ( !empty($styles_to_dequeue) ){
                                $this->check_dequeue_rules($styles_to_dequeue, 'styles');
                        //Dequeue scripts based on selected Nebula options
                        if ( $current_action !== 'wp_print_styles' ){ //Check the last hook to run and skip dequeuing scripts on the print styles hook
                            $scripts_to_dequeue = $this->get_option('dequeue_scripts');
                            if ( !empty($scripts_to_dequeue) ){
                                $this->check_dequeue_rules($scripts_to_dequeue, 'scripts');
                    $this->timer($timer_name, 'end');


    To override this PHP function, use this hook in your child theme or plugin ("my_custom" can be changed):

    add_filter('pre_nebula_dequeues', 'my_custom_dequeues'); 
    function my_custom_dequeues(){ 
        //Write your own code here
        return true; //Return true to prevent the original function from running afterwords

    You can completely disable this PHP function with a single line actions:

     add_filter('pre_nebula_dequeues', '__return_false');