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Function for handling selecting and copying text within Nebula pre tags.

JavaScript February 7, 2021




This function does not accept any parameters. Is this incorrect?

Additional Notes

This function is called automatically if Nebula pre tags are used.

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    Source File

    Located in /assets/js/modules/helpers.js on line 376.

    No Hooks

    This function does not have any filters or actions available. Request one?
    nebula.pre = async function(){
        //Format non-shortcode pre tags to be styled properly
            if ( !jQuery(this).parent('.nebula-code-con').length ){
                let lang = jQuery(this).attr('data-lang') || '';
                if ( lang === '' ){
                    let langMatches = jQuery(this).attr('class').match(/lang(?:uage)?-(\S*)/i);
                    lang = ( langMatches )? langMatches[0] : ''; //Use a class that starts with "lang-" or "language-" Ex: "lang-JavaScript"
                if ( lang === '' ){
                    lang = jQuery(this).attr('class').replace('nebula-code', '').replaceAll(/(\s*)((wp|m.|p.|nebula)-\S+)(\s*)/gi, '').trim(); //Remove expected classes and use remaining class as language
                lang = escape(lang); //Escape for reuse into the DOM
                jQuery(this).addClass(lang.toLowerCase()).wrap('<div class="nebula-code-con clearfix ' + lang.toLowerCase() + '"></div>');
                jQuery(this).closest('.nebula-code-con').prepend('<span class="nebula-code codetitle ' + lang.toLowerCase() + '">' + lang + '</span>');
        //Manage copying snippets to clipboard
        if ( 'clipboard' in navigator ){
                jQuery(this).append('<a href="#" class="nebula-selectcopy-code">Copy to Clipboard</a>');
                jQuery(this).find('p:empty').remove(); //Sometimes WordPress adds extra/empty <p> tags. These mess with spacing, so we remove them.
            nebula.dom.document.on('click', '.nebula-selectcopy-code', function(){
                let $oThis = jQuery(this);
                if ( $oThis.hasClass('error') ){ //If we already errored, stop trying
                    return false;
                let text = jQuery(this).closest('.nebula-code-con').find('pre').text();
                        $oThis.text('Copy to clipboard').removeClass('success');
                    }, 1500);
                }).catch(function(error){ //This can happen if the user denies clipboard permissions
                    gtag('event', 'Exception', { //Report the error to Google Analytics to log it
                        message: '(JS) Clipboard API error: ' + error,
                        fatal: false
                    $oThis.text('Unable to copy.').addClass('error');
                return false;


    To override or disable this JavaScript function, simply redeclare it with the exact same function name. Remember: Some functionality is conditionally loaded via dynamic imports, so if your function is not overriding properly, try listening for a DOM event (described below).


    For non-module import functions:

    nebula.pre = function(){
        //Write your own code here, leave it blank, or return false.

    For dynamically imported module function overrides:

    jQuery(window).on('load', function(){
        nebula.pre = function(){
            //Write your own code here, leave it blank, or return false.

    Custom Nebula DOM events do also exist, so you could also try the following if the Window Load listener does not work:

    jQuery(document).on('nebula_module_loaded', function(module){
        //Note that the module variable is also available to know which module specifically was imported
        if ( typeof nebula.pre === 'function' ){
            nebula.pre = function(){
                //Write your own code here, leave it blank, or return false.