Get User Media API

This is only a demo of how to implement the Get User Media API, which requires a secure connection and must be activated and given permission by the user. This…


Has an alias of social_link()….


This returns the estimated reading time in minutes for an average of 250 words per minute reading speed. Note: Be sure to hook custom fields into the Nebula word_count() function…


A class of save-data is added to the <body> tag so that stylesheets and JavaScript can look for it too….


By calling this function you may prematurely end full execution timings and decrease accuracy. It’s best to let Nebula call this when it is ready….


If a specific datapoint is not passed, the entire userdata object is returned. If the datapoint is not available it returns false.


This checks if the undocumented getVideoData() function is available from the Youtube API. Either way it tries to return the most applicable title available. The fallback stack is Youtube title,…

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