
You can simply use the class nebula-peek or nebula-iconpeek without needing to write any CSS….


Note: To use this class, the parent element must have a set height (not a min-height)! Consider using flexbox properties for vertically centering and aligning. Bootstrap has classes that help…


…applied to buttons. Default file icons: doc, docx xls, xlsx ppt, pptx pdf, pdfx zip, zipx, rar, gz, tar txt, rtf html (specific) php (specific) js (specific) css, scss (specific)…


Shadows are pseudo :before and :after elements and their z-index is set to -1 so if they are applied on top of a background image, they will end up behind…


A class of save-data is added to the <body> tag so that stylesheets and JavaScript can look for it too….


This function requires the linear channel value lookup table. For simple functionality (when only needing black and white return values) consider using the readable-color() function instead….


Unlike high-contrast-color() this function only returns black or white, but it is not as intensive nor does it require a linear channel value lookup table….


This function relies on the html element be set to 16px as it calculates the rem size based on 16px….

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