Testing Checklist

page No sensitive information in browser-side source code (comments, console logs, etc.) Pages/files behind secured pages inaccessible from outside areas Disable Wordpress Pingbacks Deny access to .htaccess file from visitors…


…Doing so will cause an error for any embedded <script> tags in page templates that are placed before the footer. When this happens, Nebula will output a console error indicating…


This function prioritizes in the following order: A custom function that hooks into `nebula_logo` (an image file URL is the expected return) Customizer on sub-page when that one-color logo checkbox…

Contact Form 7

…show one if provided (see the example form code on this page). ReCAPTCHA and Spam Prevention Contact Form 7 now integrates with the Google reCAPTCHA API. Manage your reCAPTCHA sites…


This function listens for (and times) the initial scroll by the user as well as when (if) the user reaches the end of the page. To supplement this data, implement…


…can modify your CSS to change this. It is highly recommended to use scroll-padding-top in CSS to ensure the browser accounts for the fixed header on the page if used….


This function should be called through the Nebula ga() function. The switch between the Google Analytics ga() function and the Nebula ga() function happens automatically, so essentially the ga() function…

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