Examples & Tips

…Data Upload data to the uploads directory from the front-end. Bootstrap Carousel January 18, 2017 1484715600 January 18, 2017 1484789640 Bootstrap Carousel Using Bootstrap to implement a slider with some…


Unlike jQuery getScript(), this function caches the JavaScript resource….


This function can be called specifically to scroll to an element, but it also runs automatically on any links where the href is an ID that starts with # (unless…


This checks the Bootstrap Version set in Nebula Options.

Bootstrap Modal

Simple Bootstrap modals in Nebula do not need to be initialized with the .modal() method. Simply placing the modal HTML in the page is enough. To add the Nebula stylings…


This defines Tether as empty so Bootstrap thinks it is called (and doesn’t trigger any warnings). Tether is only needed for tooltips, so when tooltips are detected (in main.js), the…

Finding an Deregistering Assets Manually

…the filename you want to remove and note the ID. Hypothetically, if we want to deregister a WP Bootstrap Gallery resource, the ID may be id=”wp-bootstrap-gallery-css”. The “-css” (or “-js”…


This mixin creates 4 classes to use with or without Bootstrap elements (where “name” below is replaced with the first parameter): Bootstrap elements: .btn-name .btn-outline-name .bg-name Additional helper classes: .border-name…


Current group size breakpoints: “ultrawidescreen”: 2048px (and larger) “widescreen”: 1600px (and larger) “tablet_landscape”: 1023px (and smaller) “tablet”: 767px (and smaller) “mobile_landscape”: 668px (and smaller) “mobile”: 376px (and smaller) “print” “sm”:…

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