Geo Polygon Array Converter

This utility will convert a generated path array from this polylines code generator into a nested array that can be used with Google’s containsLocation function. The conversion is necessary so…

Google Maps JavaScript API

Nebula automatically loads the Google Maps JS API script if the class googlemap exists. It triggers nebula_google_maps_api_loaded when it is loaded. However, Nebula does not provide additional functions for placing…

Examples & Tips

…custom additions. Google Maps Contains Location January 18, 2017 1484715600 January 18, 2017 1484715900 Google Maps Contains Location Detect if the user’s geolocation is within a polygonal area. WordPress Transients…


Returns boolean. Works well with nested objects- this helps prevent long conditionals like if ( nebula && nebula.client && nebula.client.remote_addr ){…} Note: This function can not detect if an object…


…Geo Polygon Array Converter January 18, 2017 1484715600 February 12, 2017 1486952940 Geo Polygon Array Converter Twitter Bearer Token Generator January 18, 2017 1484715600 January 22, 2017 1485062580 Twitter Bearer…

Google Maps Embed API

This API requires an API key from the Google Developers Console. It can be stored in Nebula Options.


…Link Youtube Channel to Google Analytics Analytics Overview Google Analytics Goals Google Analytics Segments Google Analytics Custom Reports Google Analytics Custom Alerts Google Analytics Calculated Metrics Google Analytics Custom Definitions…


This function is mostly for the convenient pattern of checking the transient and the object cache. If your usage of the transient storage is different than simply getting/setting data to…

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