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This log option is disabled by default! It will not log anything when disabled, so retroactive logs are not possible. It is available in Nebula Options in the Administrative tab and logs themselves can be viewed in Nebula Options in the Diagnostics tab. Some examples of administrative events that are logged by Nebula itself: Nebula Read More »


The format of each line in the log is: [timestamp] message (on file) Example: [Saturday, April 19, 2020 - 10:51:51am] This is a test. (on https://nebula.gearside.com/documentation/) Read More »


The Google Place ID can be entered in Nebula Options where this function will look if a specific Place ID is not included when this function is called. Note: This URL will appear in the Administrative metabox in the WordPress admin Dashboard where it can be easily copy and pasted by anyone. This link will Read More »


This function prioritizes in the following order: A custom function that hooks into `nebula_logo` (an image file URL is the expected return) Customizer on sub-page when that one-color logo checkbox is selected Customizer on home page when that one-color logo checkbox is selected Customizer full color logo Child theme logo (SVG or PNG) Parent theme Read More »


This returns the estimated reading time in minutes for an average of 250 words per minute reading speed. Note: Be sure to hook custom fields into the Nebula word_count() function to get an accurate estimate! Read More »


This can be useful for use with custom dimensions in Google Analytics on articles. Be sure to hook in custom fields so they can be included in the word count! It is recommended to add each custom field individually (rather than looping through all fields) to be sure that only contentful output is included. Read More »


This checks several conditions to determine if analytics should be enabled for this rendering. Conditions that do not allow analytics: If "Do Not Track" header is present and the Nebula option is set to comply with that request If within the WordPress Customizer If the query string is present If the current IP address matches Read More »