
…option observe_dnt is set to comply with that request If within the WordPress Customizer If the query string noga is present If the current IP address matches the server’s IP…


…image is hard-coded into a template file or stylesheet Inside galleries This may not work inside third-party plugins (Possibly others too) Here is another test using the WordPress Block Editor….


…footer). There are other ways to alleviate this problem and minutely control when jQuery is loaded in the footer using the nebula_prevent_jquery_footer filter. See the examples for how this filter…


…the options (additionally, it can be turned off several ways too). The settings page itself can be found in the Wordpress admin under Appearance > Nebula Options. Developers can detect…


This checks the Bootstrap Version set in Nebula Options.


jQuery is registered with jQuery Migrate, so WordPress (by default) enqueues them both. This function dequeues both, and then re-enqueues jQuery alone.

Geo Polygon Array Converter

…that polygon information can be stored as a custom field tied to a post in the WordPress database. Use this polylines code generator and select “Polygon”. Find the desired location…


This function currently only deletes the Hello Dolly plugin if it still exists from the original WordPress install.


…Google Browser API Key are required in Nebula Options. This search will only search the current site, but the results are external (from Google’s indexes) rather than internal (WordPress DB)….

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