
Common WordPress hooks for deregistering assets include wp_enqueue_scripts, wp_print_styles, and wp_print_scripts. Make sure your hook has a higher priority number so it runs after the original. This function both dequeues…

Finding an Deregistering Assets Manually

action and we can utilize Nebula’s deregister function. It’ll end up looking something like this: PHP add_action(‘wp_enqueue_scripts’, function(){ //Use this hook even for styles nebula()->deregister(‘wp-bootstrap-gallery’, ‘style’); }, 5000); //I like…


This function should be called through the Nebula ga() function. The switch between the Google Analytics ga() function and the Nebula ga() function happens automatically, so essentially the ga() function…


…Analytics for better predictions. This function does not use parameters; it relies exclusively on hooks with add_filter() (see examples). Note: WordPress does add dns-prefetch to all enqueued resource domains automatically….


This function prioritizes in the following order: A custom function that hooks into `nebula_logo` (an image file URL is the expected return) Customizer on sub-page when that one-color logo checkbox…


This function concatenates the new field/event to the existing string and then sets a custom dimension (if used). As the user moves through the form, the data is sent to…


…be overridden by using the pre_sw_location action (See below for full code snippet). If you intend on using an alternate filename or location, you must override this function in your…


…Remember: there is no guarantee that an event will trigger at the end! If the action being throttled stops half-way into the cooldown, it will not trigger again! For example,…


action is required unless you want that information to be sent in the email message. This attribution data will otherwise be stored automatically in Nebula’s Contact Form 7 Submissions admin…

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