
Current group size breakpoints: “ultrawidescreen”: 2048px (and larger) “widescreen”: 1600px (and larger) “tablet_landscape”: 1023px (and smaller) “tablet”: 767px (and smaller) “mobile_landscape”: 668px (and smaller) “mobile”: 376px (and smaller) “print” “sm”:…


This function can be called specifically to scroll to an element, but it also runs automatically on any links where the href is an ID that starts with # (unless…

Contact Form 7

…disables the Contact Form 7 CSS resources in favor of Bootstrap (and it’s own style overrides). If the CF7 CSS files are desired, you can follow these instructions to re-enable…


…be sure the first option has value=””. Sidenote: Checkbox and radio validation in Bootstrap 4 only works with customized elements and as such is not included with Nebula live validation….


This function is used to replace core WordPress search forms (as described above), but also can be called manually.

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