
This checks several conditions to determine if analytics should be enabled for this rendering. Conditions that do not allow analytics: If “Do Not Track” header is present and the Nebula…

Get Started

…login page, or admin side. Where can I add my Google Analytics tracking code? You can paste your tracking ID in Nebula Options under the APIs tab. My oEmbed content overflows…

Examples & Tips

Google Maps Java Script API Use the Google Maps JavaScript API for a more advanced interactive map. Nebula Upload Data January 18, 2017 1484715600 January 18, 2017 1484790900 Nebula Upload…

Google Maps JavaScript API

Nebula automatically loads the Google Maps JS API script if the class googlemap exists. It triggers nebula_google_maps_api_loaded when it is loaded. However, Nebula does not provide additional functions for placing…

Google Maps Embed API

This API requires an API key from the Google Developers Console. It can be stored in Nebula Options.

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