
This function should be called through the Nebula ga() function. The switch between the Google Analytics ga() function and the Nebula ga() function happens automatically, so essentially the ga() function…


Google Analytics does not have a default exception report. You’ll need to make one or find one in the Gallery. I recommend Ron Whitman’s Exception Report. This function can’t catch…

Launch Checklist

links open in a new window. Verify login. Verify file upload. Verify Open Graph tags and images. Verify favicon. Verify Google Analytics (Real-Time reports). Verify Google Webmaster Tools. Post-Launch testing…


Both the Google Custom Search Engine ID and Google Browser API Key are required in Nebula Options. This search will only search the current site, but the results are external…


You can simply use the class nebula-peek or nebula-iconpeek without needing to write any CSS….


Has an alias of social_link()….


Unlike high-contrast-color() this function only returns black or white, but it is not as intensive nor does it require a linear channel value lookup table….

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