
…security purposes! Pre-defined RegEx patterns may not perfectly capture all nuances- this is meant for simple forms. Text / Select Use the class nebula-validate-text or nebula-validate-select to validate simple text…

Google Maps JavaScript API

Nebula automatically loads the Google Maps JS API script if the class googlemap exists. It triggers nebula_google_maps_api_loaded when it is loaded. However, Nebula does not provide additional functions for placing…


…choose not to have this send emails, but instead log them to the database using any CF7 database plugin (one is bundled with Nebula, but you must activate it yourself)….


…Animations These animations happen once and then stop. nebula-fade-out nebula-fade-out-up nebula-fade-out-down nebula-fade-out-left nebula-fade-out-right nebula-fade-in nebula-fade-in-up nebula-fade-in-down nebula-fade-in-left nebula-fade-in-right nebula-zoom-out nebula-zoom-in nebula-reveal-in nebula-reveal-out nebula-stretch-in nebula-stretch-out nebula-flip-in-x nebula-flip-in-y nebula-flip-out-x nebula-flip-out-y nebula-tap nebula-push…

How to use the JavaScript WordPress Hooks API (Without Any Extra Libraries)

…call wp.hooks. Like this: register_script(‘nebula-whatever’, get_template_directory_uri() . ‘/assets/js/nebula.js’, array(‘jquery-core’, ‘wp-hooks’), ‘1.2.3’, true); Or with Nebula (to add defer and module types to the script): nebula()->register_script(‘nebula-main’, get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . ‘/assets/js/main.js’, array(‘defer’, ‘module’),…

Contact Form 7

Nebula file location string to match: PHP add_filter(‘nebula_cf7_file_location’, function($file_location){ return str_replace(WPCF7_UPLOADS_TMP_DIR, home_url(‘/’) . ‘/wp-content/uploads/your-storage-directory-here/’, $file_location); }); Validation Nebula includes live, soft-validation. This pre-submit validation helps assist the user without actually…

Google Maps Embed API

This API requires an API key from the Google Developers Console. It can be stored in Nebula Options.


Returns boolean. Works well with nested objects- this helps prevent long conditionals like if ( nebula && nebula.client && nebula.client.remote_addr ){…} Note: This function can not detect if an object…

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