Contact Form 7

…on navigation or refresh, and data is transferred between windows/tabs for all text-based fields. Event Tracking Submission attempts and success will be logged in Google Analytics automatically. Nebula also reports…


This function triggers geolocationSuccess when finished so the nebula.session.geolocation can be used….


…two aliases: vimeo_meta() and youtube_meta(). Sidenote: Remember that Youtube and Vimeo have their own APIs for JavaScript integration. It is recommended to read through these as there are many intricate…


This method allows for always up-to-date plugins to be bundled with Nebula. This requires the TGM Plugin Activation library….


…borders on elements after scrolling, this is what is happening. You can modify your CSS to change this. It is highly recommended to use scroll-padding-top in CSS to ensure the…


The format of each line in the log is: [timestamp] message (on file) Example: [Saturday, April 19, 2020 – 10:51:51am] This is a test. (on…

Facebook Customer Chat Plugin

…reporting in Google Analytics. Beyond usage tracking, it’d be nice to know that the user interacted with the greeting (to know not to show it on subsequent pageviews). When a…

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