
This function should be called through the Nebula ga() function. The switch between the Google Analytics ga() function and the Nebula ga() function happens automatically, so essentially the ga() function…


Google Analytics does not have a default exception report. You’ll need to make one or find one in the Gallery. I recommend Ron Whitman’s Exception Report. This function can’t catch…

Upgrading to Font Awesome Pro

…directory. It is recommended to use the all.min.css file which loads the fonts (.woff files) themselves. Nebula provides rudimentary support for the Font Awesome JS method, but the CSS method…


…are not able to do that. Exporting SVGs from Adobe Illustrator It is recommended to export SVG images using the following settings, and then run them through SVGOMG. This will…

Finding an Deregistering Assets Manually

…deregister them from the Nebula Options interface. This is a convenient solution, but there will always be edge-cases where manually deregistering and dequeuing assets is necessary. It is recommended to…


Recommended settings include blog description, timezone, week start, permalink structure, ping status, and widgets.

Launch Checklist

…links open in a new window. Verify login. Verify file upload. Verify Open Graph tags and images. Verify favicon. Verify Google Analytics (Real-Time reports). Verify Google Webmaster Tools. Post-Launch testing…


This can be useful for use with custom dimensions in Google Analytics on articles. Be sure to hook in custom fields so they can be included in the word count!…


Both the Google Custom Search Engine ID and Google Browser API Key are required in Nebula Options. This search will only search the current site, but the results are external…

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