
This function will return boolean. True if any of the needles are found, and false if none of them are.


Very similar to debounce but where debounce happens only once at the end (or the beginning), throttle happens multiple times but limited to a set amount of time in between….


This returns the estimated reading time in minutes for an average of 250 words per minute reading speed. Note: Be sure to hook custom fields into the Nebula word_count() function…


This is useful for syncing data/information between tabs without needing localstorage. Like closing a notification in one tab closes it in all tabs, or incrementing a counter on all tabs…

Get Started

…that the parent Nebula can be easily updated without fear of breaking custom code. All customizations should be done in the child theme by copying the parent files as needed…

Add debug info to Contact Form 7 submissions

PHP add_filter(‘nebula_cf7_debug_info’, function($debug_info){ //Add custom data to the debug info if ( get_option(‘tier_name’) ){ $debug_info[‘tier’] = get_option(‘tier_name’); } return $debug_info; });…

Test of Gutenberg Blocks

…Button Secondary BG Button Primary Text Button Secondary Text Button Custom BG Button Primary Outline Button Suspendisse nec mi sit amet tellus congue varius Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur…


This function prioritizes in the following order: A custom function that hooks into `nebula_logo` (an image file URL is the expected return) Customizer on sub-page when that one-color logo checkbox…

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