
…applied to buttons. Default file icons: doc, docx xls, xlsx ppt, pptx pdf, pdfx zip, zipx, rar, gz, tar txt, rtf html (specific) php (specific) js (specific) css, scss (specific)…


…service worker, use navigator.serviceWorker.controller.postMessage(data), or the more convenient Nebula alias: nebulaPostMessage Deprecated in favor of Workbox Window. Use workbox.messageSW()[code] after it has been activated (Listen for [code]nebula_workbox_active on the document)....


Unlike jQuery getScript(), this function caches the JavaScript resource….


Note that this does not change the active URL. It only returns the URL without the query string….


…the load function manually, use nebula_load event trigger: jQuery(document).trigger(‘nebula_load’); Once the load function is triggered, the listeners are removed (except for the force_load trigger) as they are no longer needed….


…correct ID “dom”: DOM objects for caching selectors (only available in JavaScript) “window”, “document”, “html”, “body” “session”: Session information of the user “id”, “flags” “user”: User information for future visits…

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