
Current group size breakpoints: “ultrawidescreen”: 2048px (and larger) “widescreen”: 1600px (and larger) “tablet_landscape”: 1023px (and smaller) “tablet”: 767px (and smaller) “mobile_landscape”: 668px (and smaller) “mobile”: 376px (and smaller) “print” “sm”:…

Get User Media API

This is only a demo of how to implement the Get User Media API, which requires a secure connection and must be activated and given permission by the user. This…

Relevanssi Search

…activated. Navigate to theRelevanssi Search Options page in the WordPress admin. (Settings > Relevanssi) Logs Check the box to keep a log of queries Check the box to log the…


…when throttling a window resize in 1 second intervals to detect media queries, you could end up with an incorrect detection if the user quickly changes their screen size in…

Welcome to the Gutenberg Editor

…which helps with the outline and organization of your content. A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words Handling images and media with the utmost care is a primary focus of…

Examples & Tips

…Loading in Browser Chrome supports this as of version 75… Get User Media API January 17, 2017 1484629200 April 14, 2018 1523732160 Get User Media API Using the Get User…

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