
This function requires the linear channel value lookup table. For simple functionality (when only needing black and white return values) consider using the readable-color() function instead….


This function requires the library Device Detection for advanced detection, but works with very basic functionality without it.


Use the class nebula-validate on the form (or containing element) to enable validation. In Contact Form 7, either wrap the whole thing in a <div> or modify the shortcode with…


This function listens for (and times) the initial scroll by the user as well as when (if) the user reaches the end of the page. To supplement this data, implement…

Get Started

This is a basic start-to-finish task list for developing a website in WordPress with Nebula. Installation Download Nebula Download and Install WordPress Upload Nebula (/wp-content/themes) Move the Child theme from…


For more complicated patterns, you may want to use the Fetch API directly, but this Nebula function simplifies the traditional fetch() pattern significantly for simple tasks.

Adding URLs to the JSON Speculation Rules API

To add basic URLs you can simply append to the array. For more complex speculative rules, you can copy the metadata.php file to the child theme. The array starts with…


…can specifically be excluded from autocomplete searches with the filter nebula_autocomplete_ignore_ids. See examples. Also, installing/activating Relevanssi will bypass the manual query logic (and therefore the need to ignore post types)….


…less than 1 second (or if it ends in-between the 1-second cooldown after going beyond the media query threshold). If you need an event to happen at the end, you’ll…

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