
…service worker, use navigator.serviceWorker.controller.postMessage(data), or the more convenient Nebula alias: nebulaPostMessage Deprecated in favor of Workbox Window. Use workbox.messageSW()[code] after it has been activated (Listen for [code]nebula_workbox_active on the document)....


…with !) cid – Google Analytics CID This is parsed from the Google Analytics cookie (two numbers separated by .) or generated by Nebula (four groups of numbers separated by…

How to use the JavaScript WordPress Hooks API (Without Any Extra Libraries)

…call wp.hooks. Like this: register_script(‘nebula-whatever’, get_template_directory_uri() . ‘/assets/js/nebula.js’, array(‘jquery-core’, ‘wp-hooks’), ‘1.2.3’, true); Or with Nebula (to add defer and module types to the script): nebula()->register_script(‘nebula-main’, get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . ‘/assets/js/main.js’, array(‘defer’, ‘module’),…


…choose not to have this send emails, but instead log them to the database using any CF7 database plugin (one is bundled with Nebula, but you must activate it yourself)….


Returns boolean. Works well with nested objects- this helps prevent long conditionals like if ( nebula && nebula.client && nebula.client.remote_addr ){…} Note: This function can not detect if an object…


Timings are stored in nebula()->server_timings and categories are separated into a nebula()->server_timings[‘categories’] array. Timings will automatically appear for developers, but the query string ?timings must be used for non-developers (or…


The goal of Nebula is to be both a powerful framework for professional developers as well as a learning resource for entry-level and hobbyist programmers. To accomplish this, Nebula follows…


Unlike jQuery getScript(), this function caches the JavaScript resource….


This function wouldn’t be called directly, but becomes important when squeezing every millisecond out of performance. The Nebula Option for jQuery allows for it to be moved to the footer….


This function facilitates the animation class and reflowing the element as needed in a single function so it does not need to be done manually in multiple steps.

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