
This function can be called as a PHP function or via JavaScript using AJAX. Nebula adds a markup key to the Twitter object where it wraps detected strings in HTML…


Like WordPress, Nebula has a time-based version number. Every May, a major version is released. Likewise, each month a minor version is released. The third number represents the day of…


nebula.user.address object and then triggers nebula_address_selected (which passes the event, raw place object, sanitized place object, and input field jQuery Object as parameters). Note: If the same uniqueID is used…

Bootstrap Modal

…active), add the nebula-modal class to the top-level .modal div. To animate the modal showing, you can add Nebula animation classes to the .modal-dialog div. For example: nebula-zoom animate nebula-zoom-in…


Important: This function requires the “Attribution Tracking” Nebula Option to be enabled in order to use it! Be sure that the use of this cookie fits within your privacy policy…


…stored in WordPress within the Nebula CF7 Submissions custom post type (which appears within the “Contact” admin menu item). It may appear in other form storage systems like the Advanced…


The Google Place ID can be entered in Nebula Options where this function will look if a specific Place ID is not included when this function is called. Note: This…

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