Launch Checklist

…links open in a new window. Verify login. Verify file upload. Verify Open Graph tags and images. Verify favicon. Verify Google Analytics (Real-Time reports). Verify Google Webmaster Tools. Post-Launch testing…


…configuration issue if the reply-to setting exists with an optional email field. It is recommended to simply remove the reply-to for this feedback form. You may choose not to have…


This can be useful for use with custom dimensions in Google Analytics on articles. Be sure to hook in custom fields so they can be included in the word count!…

Contact Form 7

…on navigation or refresh, and data is transferred between windows/tabs for all text-based fields. Event Tracking Submission attempts and success will be logged in Google Analytics automatically. Nebula also reports

Examples & Tips

custom additions. Google Maps Contains Location January 18, 2017 1484715600 January 18, 2017 1484715900 Google Maps Contains Location Detect if the user’s geolocation is within a polygonal area. WordPress Transients…

Google Maps JavaScript API

Nebula automatically loads the Google Maps JS API script if the class googlemap exists. It triggers nebula_google_maps_api_loaded when it is loaded. However, Nebula does not provide additional functions for placing…

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