
…Link Youtube Channel to Google Analytics Analytics Overview Google Analytics Goals Google Analytics Segments Google Analytics Custom Reports Google Analytics Custom Alerts Google Analytics Calculated Metrics Google Analytics Custom Definitions…

Google Analytics Custom Reports

Custom reports are tried to the Google Analytics user (not the account), so each person needs to create their own; just like segments. 404 Monitor This report will collect 404…

Google Analytics Segments

These are recommended custom segments for Google Analytics to see how groups of users interact with your website differently. Custom Segments (Core GA Dimensions) These are ideas for custom segments…

Analytics Overview

custom events and timings in addition to default Google Analytics data. Add in custom definition indexes and Nebula will also automatically send custom dimensions and metrics as well. Default Events…

Google Analytics Custom Definitions

Nebula bundles lots of optional Custom Dimensions and Custom Metrics for Google Analytics. Use as many or as few as needed. Use the Nebula Options page to enable them. While…

Google Analytics Calculated Metrics

For free accounts, Google Analytics allows 5 calculated metrics per view. These are custom equations to assist insights. For many great ideas of custom calculated metrics, read this article. Note…

Link Youtube Channel to Google Analytics

If the project is associated with a Youtube channel, it is important to link the data to Google Analytics. Create a new property in Google Analytics Google Analytics > Admin…

Google Analytics Custom Alerts

These are recommended custom alerts for Google Analytics to be notified when certain things happen on the website. It is advised to check both the “Send me an email…” for…

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