
For more complicated patterns, you may want to use the Fetch API directly, but this Nebula function simplifies the traditional fetch() pattern significantly for simple tasks.


…have their own APIs for JavaScript integration. It is recommended to read through these as there are many intricate nuances in each. Youtube Iframe API Docs Vimeo Player API Docs…


This checks if the undocumented getVideoData() function is available from the Youtube API. Either way it tries to return the most applicable title available. The fallback stack is Youtube title,…


This checks if the undocumented getVideoData() function is available from the Youtube API. Either way it tries to return the most applicable ID available. The fallback stack is Youtube ID,…


This is a convenient way to use the Cache API because it checks for invalid URLs to prevent them from attempting to be added to the cache. It also manages…


The Nebula memoize function is treated similarly to the WordPress Transient API.


This is automatically initialized on window load when the Facebook App ID Nebula Option is used. After the asynchronous initialization, fbinit is triggered. Documentation Login Button Graph API User Fields…


Brief warning that the Yahoo API (from my experience) is not very reliable as far as up-time. Nebula caches the data and prevents long timeouts, but the weather data itself…


If a service worker is being used (and Cache API is available), the resource will be fetched and added to the cache. Otherwise, it will attempt to prefetch with a…

Contact Form 7

…show one if provided (see the example form code on this page). ReCAPTCHA and Spam Prevention Contact Form 7 now integrates with the Google reCAPTCHA API. Manage your reCAPTCHA sites…

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