
…function also adds performance.mark() for each individual item and performance.measure() for each uniqueID. This data can be accessed using the User Timing API with functions such as performance.getEntries() or performance.getEntriesByType….


This function has been deprecated in favor of the Async Clipboard API. This function stores the text into a hidden div until it is copied. The callback function has a…


This function has been deprecated in favor of the Async Clipboard API….


This function requires the Hubspot Portal ID in Nebula Options.


Both the Google Custom Search Engine ID and Google Browser API Key are required in Nebula Options. This search will only search the current site, but the results are external…


…logged-out users). Server Timing API Timings are sent via the server-timing HTTP header and can be viewed in Chrome DevTools under Network by clicking the page resource and choosing the…

Twitter Bearer Token Generator

Generate an access token for the Twitter API v1.1. To obtain consumer keys, create an app on Twitter » Once generated, use this bearer token by following these instructions, or…

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