
This function is called when clicking the initialize links after activating the Nebula theme and subsequently calls several other initialization functions.


The goal of Nebula is to be both a powerful framework for professional developers as well as a learning resource for entry-level and hobbyist programmers. To accomplish this, Nebula follows…


Unlike jQuery getScript(), this function caches the JavaScript resource….


This function wouldn’t be called directly, but becomes important when squeezing every millisecond out of performance. The Nebula Option for jQuery allows for it to be moved to the footer….


This function facilitates the animation class and reflowing the element as needed in a single function so it does not need to be done manually in multiple steps.


…are not able to do that. Exporting SVGs from Adobe Illustrator It is recommended to export SVG images using the following settings, and then run them through SVGOMG. This will…


Use the ID #mobilenav on the navigation ul, and the class mobilenavtrigger on the a tag parent of the icon (if using one) to toggle the open/close icon change. Refer…

Testing Checklist

…of dynamic content Favicon Subpage appearance (each template) Spelling/Grammar Extraneous text orphans/rivers/hyphens/etc. Flexibility Responsiveness at various users’ browser settings. Various viewport sizes Various text sizes Various browser zoom levels Drag…


…and deregisters the asset. Then it logs it in Nebula to appear in the WordPress admin bar (under the Edit Post menu). Nebula will only show the log when the…

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