
This function is essentially an alias for navigator.serviceWorker.controller.postMessage(data), but it also checks if Service Worker is supported and if there is currently a controller, so it is safe to use…


…the load function manually, use nebula_load event trigger: jQuery(document).trigger(‘nebula_load’); Once the load function is triggered, the listeners are removed (except for the force_load trigger) as they are no longer needed….


This is a convenient alias of lazy_load(). Note: this function does not need to use echo as it prints immediately. This uses JavaScript to load images after the page has…


The default filename for the Nebula service worker is sw.js and typical Nebula installation instructs for this file to be moved to the root directory. However, all of this can…


This will return true even if a sliver of the element is in the viewport. It will also work if the element extends both above and below the viewport (if…


This is used for data stored outside of Nebula Options. It is also stored in an array.

Google Analytics Segments

…a new View in Google Analytics with this regex pattern as an custom filter using Include > Hostname to avoid Ghost Referral Spambots entirely! Combined with the Nebula server-side spambot…

Google Analytics Custom Reports

…because custom metric index numbers will be different for every setup. Use the metrics selected in Nebula Options under Analytics as a reference. Type: Explorer Metrics: (As needed via Nebula

Google Maps JavaScript API

Nebula automatically loads the Google Maps JS API script if the class googlemap exists. It triggers nebula_google_maps_api_loaded when it is loaded. However, Nebula does not provide additional functions for placing…

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