This is basically wp_remote_get() with a caching aspect. If a resource is unavailable, Nebula will not remotely request from that hostname for 10 minutes to maintain quick load times. Never…
This is basically wp_remote_get() with a caching aspect. If a resource is unavailable, Nebula will not remotely request from that hostname for 10 minutes to maintain quick load times. Never…
Note: To use this class, the parent element must have a set height (not a min-height)! Consider using flexbox properties for vertically centering and aligning. Bootstrap has classes that help…
Like WordPress, Nebula has a time-based version number. Every May, a major version is released. Likewise, each month a minor version is released. The third number represents the day of…
…nebula.user.address object and then triggers nebula_address_selected (which passes the event, raw place object, sanitized place object, and input field jQuery Object as parameters). Note: If the same uniqueID is used…
…active), add the nebula-modal class to the top-level .modal div. To animate the modal showing, you can add Nebula animation classes to the .modal-dialog div. For example: nebula-zoom animate nebula-zoom-in…
This function triggers geolocationSuccess when finished so the nebula.session.geolocation can be used….
This function actually creates a cookie with the same name and a negative expiration date.