Nebula Upload Data

This could become an actual function, but for now it will remain an example demo.

Contact Form 7

Nebula file location string to match: PHP add_filter(‘nebula_cf7_file_location’, function($file_location){ return str_replace(WPCF7_UPLOADS_TMP_DIR, home_url(‘/’) . ‘/wp-content/uploads/your-storage-directory-here/’, $file_location); }); Validation Nebula includes live, soft-validation. This pre-submit validation helps assist the user without actually…

Examples & Tips

…Google Maps Java Script API Use the Google Maps JavaScript API for a more advanced interactive map. Nebula Upload Data January 18, 2017 1484715600 January 18, 2017 1484790900 Nebula Upload


For more complicated patterns, you may want to use the Fetch API directly, but this Nebula function simplifies the traditional fetch() pattern significantly for simple tasks.

Get Started

This is a basic start-to-finish task list for developing a website in WordPress with Nebula. Installation Download Nebula Download and Install WordPress Upload Nebula (/wp-content/themes) Move the Child theme from…

The most optimal way to load CSS and JS in Nebula

…stuff here using the loaded resource });</p> <p>nebula.loadCSS(; //Load the CSS file Notice the and objects. That is where registered scripts and styles locations exist (from earlier in…


…security purposes! Pre-defined RegEx patterns may not perfectly capture all nuances- this is meant for simple forms. Text / Select Use the class nebula-validate-text or nebula-validate-select to validate simple text…


…Animations These animations happen once and then stop. nebula-fade-out nebula-fade-out-up nebula-fade-out-down nebula-fade-out-left nebula-fade-out-right nebula-fade-in nebula-fade-in-up nebula-fade-in-down nebula-fade-in-left nebula-fade-in-right nebula-zoom-out nebula-zoom-in nebula-reveal-in nebula-reveal-out nebula-stretch-in nebula-stretch-out nebula-flip-in-x nebula-flip-in-y nebula-flip-out-x nebula-flip-out-y nebula-tap nebula-push…


This function is mostly for the convenient pattern of checking the transient and the object cache. If your usage of the transient storage is different than simply getting/setting data to…

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